This guy is asking all the right questions

This guy is asking all the right questions

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white supremacists
the jews
joe biden

I feel like some dumbass asking "Why isn't there a straight pride parade?" is something literally gay guys encounter at some point in their lives.

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My gf likes giving head more than I like receiving it. Which is to say she really wants to give head.

I prefer normal benis in bagina to anything else.

she can suck my dick while you fuck her no homo

You're lucky that's all the "oppression" you deal with you disgusting faggot.

Ignore the insane.

least deranged kiwi nigger

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Ooh, scary.

There are no straight pride parades because most straight people aren't pathological attention seekers.

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Men who suck dick

Guy in the OP says otherwise.

gay blowjob IPO set to collapse roastie index, loli futures to remain strong

>OP is a faggot
Welcome to Any Forums.
Don't forget you're here forever.

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Where did this victim mentality come from with you fags? No one is hunting you lmao. Normal people just want you to stay the fuck away from their kids, is that so hard? Your mental illness is not our problem. You should probably just kill yourself if I'm being honest.

Posts like this are why gay pride exists.

There's no pride in being a victim nor shoving your dick in a hole full of feces.

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>There's no pride in being a victim
It's about overcoming being a victim idiot.

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I’m going to give the reason why the Gay movement has become a thing over the last 50 years or so. It all started in 1967 in Rio De Janero Brazil at a UN meeting. The world population was exploding like never before in human history after WW2. We call them Boomers because that generation was known as baby boomers. The global elite at the time was very concerned about having a hard population crash and not having enough resources to provide for so many babies be born so fast. So to keep a long story short, they implemented 3 things. 1. Promote homosexuality, 2. Get women in the work force so they are not at home having babies,3. The 1971 Roe vs Wade decision was a engineered decision from the beginning. So basically abortion was allowed to eliminate any unwanted pregnancies. Think about it, homosexuality was illegal in Western Societies for the previous 2 thousand years, now they March down the street with pride parades sponsored by Citi bank. The cultural and social engineering of homosexuality is nothing more than an alternative form of birth control. The state provides protections and (((rights))) in exchange for you ending your genetic blood line. Prove me wrong

Again-- just stay away from people's children you fucking groomer. You are the living embodiment of degeneracy; if we were all like you the human race would no longer exist. Just please die quickly and stay away from kids you absolutely broken and disgusting wreck of a human.

One thing I could never be is gay. I couldn't stand men rejecting me as well as women.

I wonder if I'd be as mad as you are if I had to be attracted to women.

Men aren't as superficial as women. We actually care about more than your finances and face.

I guess you'll never know. Thank your fucked genetics or whoever molested you as a child. You are a net negative to the human race as long as you're breathing.

How do gay relationships work, do they last years? Is cheating common?

That is IT there are officially no more sexual orientations because you fuckers obviously can't handle them. I might be willing to let you have them back when you show you're mature enough to use them without acting like a bunch of fucking idiots.

t. God

Except any children you have will ruin this planet for generations to come, so killing you would actually be more beneficial.

Uh, it depends on the people in it.

>Gay Pride was born from the Man-Boy Love Association because they wanted to touch children. Because homosexuals are unnatural, and cannot reproduce, they touch children, to recruit. Touching children inflict psychological harm that likely turns the abused child into a homosexual themselves. Thus the cycle of degeneracy continues, and the gay pride movement, the desperate rallying cry, continues this monstrous culture of degradation and human misery.

I'm going to teach my children to hate disgusting faggots like you. I'd teach them to hate your children too but you won't have any because you're a living, walking defect lol. How does it feel to be hated by men and women?

Why are straight guys always so mad? I know women are awful but take it out on them.

You don't have children.

On one hand, I think there's no reason for you to be persecuted for your sexuality. On the other hand, public fetish sex displays like at pride parades should be criminal. If they were just nothing but parades (with people in clothing, carrying whatever flags or whatever), I would have no problem with them whatsoever. The public sphere should be desexualized and the private sphere should be whatever consenting adults wish to do with one another.

>Serious question: would you guys be willing to accept this compromise?

I do actually. We're not all 16 here, troon.

see that little id number next to the word anonymous on your post?
notice how it's consistent every time you post you dumb faggot?

No you don't, or you'd be busy beating any gay out of them.

Go promote your fucking twatter account elsewhere.

This should be good. What's that supposed to change about my post again?

Because the goal of this is reveal every degenerate faggot, making them feel safe enough that every last one of them comes out. Then we can kill all of them once and for all.

dick-sucking is an abomination

You were molested as a child weren't you?

nice std rates dude

So why call it pride?

What's with the obsession with children?

Nice murder rates.

To show that we're not ashamed despite your attempts to get rid of us.

I asked you a question at in good faith; please respond. Thanks.

Fuck off faggot

when they fucked you up as a kid, did you ever think you'd become the thing that hurt you? did you ever imagine you'd become the monster that maimed your innocence?
I'm sorry for your existence. truly. You could have and should've been normal.

I was thinking the same. These flags are wildly inappropriate.

Being normal sounds awful. Marry some shithead girl who has nothing in common with you because women are moneysuckers, waste your life raising some shitheads, then die anyway. If women are so great why are you here on a board full of men anyway?

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> Why can't we celebrate both
Fuck of degenerate

I don't care.

So your parades are a mass paranoid accusation leveled at everyone who isn't queer by people wearing banana hammocks who shake their bulges at children from floats.
Sounds perfectly normal, can't see why anyone wouldn't want that, and it's definitely the most dignified way any of you could stand up for your rights.

this is sad. I'm not going to continue. I just feel bad for you.
I hope you find absolution before you die, for your sake.

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Your life is sad. Now go to bed so you can continue wasting your life at your 9-5 job to support your family who hates you.