Hello Any Forums, here is a short and sweet summary of the decade to come

Hello Any Forums, here is a short and sweet summary of the decade to come.

>The war between Ukraine and Russia is all theatrics. Zelensky and Putin are both controlled by the same masters.
>Monkeypox, food shortages, and inflation will all continue to rise
>Climate lockdowns will happen, meat shortage and taxes will happen, and gasoline prices will continue to rise.
>Vaccine die off will happen and is already happening and will be hidden and blamed on Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) and monkeypox.
>Famine begins in third world nations. Millions die and revolutions similar to the Arab Spring happen as a result.
>Massive never beforeseen migrations from food insecure nations will push the immigration systems of the US and Europe to their limits
>A staged event in a blue state of an armed white man opening fire on a large number of people. This event will shock both democrats and conservative miga boomers.
>New emergency legislation is passed in a vast majority of blue states to outlaw the sale and possession of assault weapons.
>A short grace period will be passed out for gun owners in blue states to turn in their assault weapons.
>Most comply, the small percentage who do not are turned into examples.
>There will be little to no fertilizer left.
>Mass riots over food shortages and another incident that will resemble George Floyd's death. Will look eerily similar to the Summer of 2020, but overwhelmingly worse.
>In urban areas there is being food stockpiled by the government. A digital passport will be used to purchase food. Heed my warning. If you live in a rural area and do not have a stockpile of food in your home, you are going to die. If you live in an urban area and do not have a stockpile of food in your home and do not have a food passport, you are going to die.
>Food shortages in the US and Europe turn into famine.
>Things will get scary, you will not survive if you are not prepared properly.
>Riots only become worse.

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>Meanwhile in rural America, the scenery looks similar to that of the holodomor. Bodies piled upon bodies, dead children in the streets, stray dogs and vultures eating off of corpses. The conservative American is successfully being culled.
>Due to a complete shortage of fertilizer, farms in rural america can no longer operate and feed themselves and their community.
>Chemtrails that cause plants to die and soil to become infertile is currently being released over rural land, primarily in the midwest. It will continue to be released from military aircraft for years to come.
>A small white nationalist controlled opposition militia movement will rise in rural america and will fight in a revolution against the government.
>White people suspected of harboring right wing and white nationalist ideologies will be rounded up and put into political prisoner camps, very similar to what happened to japanese americans during the second world war. They are monitoring you right now. If you live in a blue state and have posted under your IP address about anything remotely right wing and pro white, you are on a list.
>If you've bought large amounts of bulk food, you are also on a list. If you live in an urban area and hoard food, expect to have it confiscated by the government without much of a fight. However, if you live in a rural area and hoard food, you will be killed.
>UN "Peacekeepers" and United States federal agencies and military will be sent to raid your home and confiscate your food.
>Groups of young armed urban volunteers will be sent out to rural areas just to exterminate you. (Think a communist antifa ISIS with toyota pickups.)

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>Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, and many other middle eastern nations will be mostly killed off or migrated to the US and Europe due to their famines. Expect them to become apart of Greater Israel.
>Africa becomes a desolate wasteland and is reduced to a nature reserve. Those who don't die migrate to the US and Europe.
>All who wish to live in the new world order are herded into urban areas.
>News will break that a terrorist organization contaminated doses of the vaccine with a disease that causes a majority of people who received the vaccine to become ill and die.
>If you are living in an urban area during this time, it will look worse than what your rural counterpart will ever see.
>Men will go mad and kill eachother in the streets and wreak havoc like it is the end of the world, because for them it is. They have received a killshot and will go insane knowing this. Revolts against governments will take place and many politicians will be dragged into the streets and killed.
>The chaos will continue until many have died.
>A new government will rise from the ashes.
>They have prepared for this for centuries.
>A man who is the direct descendant of King David will be appointed as the ruler of this government.
>You will have to take a mark to become a citizen of this new world.
>Those who do not take it will be outcasted and shamed, even lynched.

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>And after all of this, OP FINALLY becomes a real woman

The only food secure countries free of mass riots will be
>New Zealand

My advice to you is this.
>Do not take the vaccine.
>Leave urban areas as soon as possible, if you don't plan on living in the new world.
>DO NOT ORDER BULK FOOD ONLINE. Make in-store purchases in small increments over time.
>Do not hand over your guns.
>Take this time to become fit and eat meat while you still have it.
>If you do not have a gun and aren't stockpiling food, DO IT NOW.
>Download all of your information and book pdfs and print them out on paper.
>Educate yourself as much as possible, read army manuals and medical books, etc.
>Do not take the mark.

They are not going to leave you alone in the new world. They will find you and your family and you need to be prepared. They want to cull rural America and Europe and herd everyone into cities. Living a normal life will not be possible in the new world. You will be forced to live a nomadic lifestyle and flee from place to place, escaping from drones and sattelites and armed soldiers who want you dead.

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this thread is getting slid hard by feds right now

Quite a lot of this is not just extremely plausible, it's been openly planned out in white papers such as the Rockefeller Foundation's "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development" among countless others. Disagree with some of the details, but I would say by and large this summary has a lot of merit.

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It is sliding because noone is replying. That is how Any Forums threads work. Fucking dumbcunt

I stopped reading at “most will comply with the gun bans” the democrats need to do what they are doing at the moment and ban it point by points
Maybe in two decades but they would start the Balkanization process, of witch we see right now.

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Because it's a snow niggers fanfiction. I couldn't read it all. How you doing down there you poofter?

Most people would comply because most people are pussies. There is no hold out resistance group in rural america. Noone is going to stop this

I'm surprised how so many of us realising this.might come, habe stayed so mentally stable. Sometimes i feel like i should beore concerned, or have a mental breakdown because of this shit, like my reaction to this realisation is not human. I hope we all make it trough.

Things are expensive. Everyone is left-wing and preaches about socialism. The government is authoritarian to a degree. The cops arrest people in their homes for saying things online.

Meds NOW

We still say what we want online but the rest is all to familiar. It'll be right Bruce chin up.

Most people who become genuinely "redpilled" go into a period of psychological and emotional crisis where they can't cope with it. This can last anywhere from weeks to months. But eventually you grow numb to it and you accept what you can't change. You can't stay in a state of constant panic every moment of your life.

Some will comply, but you doomsayers keep lionizing the older generation with most graciously giving up guns.

We saw the 2020 riots, the lockdowns in your countries and what the Police did in the Texas school shootings.
The problems with ops prediction is that they will go full on UK or Australia’s gun laws overnight, thus actually triggering resistance and not just doing the smart thing and slowly infringing on it and more importantly brainwashing the youth into hating guns.
Succeeding in the former slow March towards tyranny and the slow ladder of Zoomers doing the opposite of becoming more pro gun.

But to indulge in your horrid fantasies of disarming the citizens, it will happen in blue states and some flip states and lead to the lines of Balkanization to begin as other flip states and red states will outright ignore the ruling.
California will ignore Roe and Texas this new gun ban.

>green ID
>israeli flag

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Good post OP. True quality in a sea of shit. You have earned my bump.

You try to sound smart but are not. I don't hold 'horrid fantasies' as you put it. Assumptions make you sound dumb.

My country can feed the entire region, fuck off with this bullshit

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I'm trying to start one brother. I realized that waiting for some leader is ridiculous when I can be the leader. I'm unforgiving, stubborn, ruthless, charismatic, and a bit narcissistic. I think I could be a great leader lmao.

> I realized that waiting for some leader is ridiculous when I can be the leader.
The most based thing I have read on this site in months, we all need to stop slouching around and waiting for someone to come and save us and to be that man ourselves

Better start trolling the feds and laying the minefields now for the armored vehicles, unless you can purchase rpgs legally in the USA?

Then start it. I've heard this for 15 years on Any Forums. Noone ever does anything. At least old Any Forums did prank/raid things.

Exactly fren.
Nope but I wish. But I want to base my strategies off the Vietcong and the Taliban. Use the caves, the mineshafts, hit and run tactics, you know? We're going to be in their shoes if a war breaks out, we have the numbers but they have the money and the tech

I am. I understand your frustration man. I don't hold it against you.

I don't think they will allow a war to happen. The communists are all about incremental change over many years until they get what they planned.

What can we do that is not violence? In the event of no civil war happening, what can we do to shift society? We cannot wait for war to break out, we have to act now

Then explain to me how in gods green earth why the people who know damm well if they get disarmed they will be at the mercy of people who want to kill them.
Those people will not give up their guns any time soon and one with them.

Rather then refute my statement with anything other then “lol you cowardly therefore you all give up guns” you double down and call me the dumb one.

Your fantasy is that this shit will happen within a decade rather then the democrats doing a slow March through our media, education and entertainment and within 15-20 years of witch our knowledge of what actually happens gets seen as fantasy is when we are completely disarmed or Balkanized by that point.

However, I think we will be seeing them starting to clam
Down on ammo and gun owners bank accounts soon to attempt to shake us down by getting rid of the second most important part and then slowly breed it out of us

And I’m
One with them