Give a detailed solution to homelessness

Fantasy or reality, any political solution goes in this thread.

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More money to Israel.

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Crack down hard on drug possession and trafficking. Reopen mental asylums.

Property rights.
Disallow them to sleep there and they'll find some solution very quickly.
If they don't find a solution, help them.
There are so many farms needing a helping hand and nothing will get them away from drugs than labor outside.

Take some of the several billion in taxpayer dollars that you send to Israel every year and build the world's best homeless shelters in every city in America. Boy was that hard.

give them all guns

Kill them all
Line them up behind a common grave and shoot them in the head

Ask me how I know you're Californian

Kill drug dealers. But the origin of these issues is Jews, so kill them too

>solution to homelessness
That implies its a problem. Its a choice, saying people can't choose a lifestyle they want is basically advocating slavery.

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Use Flamethrowers against tent cities, no hobbos equals no homeless.

Build work camp in non-ideal cheap areas. Offer lodging, food, & basic pay for work. Drugs/alcohol is banned. Tabaco/Cannabis ok. Have a gym, barber, and basic entertainment, movies, bands, BBQ, etc. Basically, voluntary Auschwitz or Military-Lite. A stable, secure place for people to clean up and get back on their feet.

Grab homeless from street.
Do a drug test on then.
If they are a drug addict, execute them and burn their bodies.
If they are not drug addicts, let them back out.
Soon you will weed out drug addicts who choose to be homeless, the fucking LARPers. You will only be left with about 5% of homeless population.
At that point the real non druggie homeless will be able to use the help that was already there, but bugged by the larping drug addicts, to climb out of homelessness.


leave them alone

Kill them all. Yes its not what you want to hear. But these people are too far gone

Or that $40 billion we sent to Ukraine for an obviously unwinnable war. 80 cities could have built $500 million homeless shelters or something.

I really think the solution is to stop the drug trade, which lies outside of our current system of laws.

Yeah we need to be careful on the reopen up the mental asylums, with the way the left is running things you’ll be thrown into one for claiming the 2020 election was rigged or for homophobia


>Give a detailed solution to homelessness
Free and legal fentanyl.

slavery for a roof and food, unironically, extra profit form it gets divided with the citizens

What’s the penalty for bringing in drugs? Asking because literally every shelter has a no drugs policy but is awash with pills/heroin.

gas the parasitic kikes in minecraft and watch how the economy will boom and how cheap housing can be

1. Deport all nonwhites (jews are not white obviously)
2. Kill or imprison all white current pharmaceutical ceos and university heads that weren't deported, if not killed, then they are barred from those industries for life.
3. Abolish the Lutheran church
4. Make all plastic illegal in anything involve food products
I could probably go on but you get the point.

>NASA's budget for financial year (FY) 2020 is $22.6 billion.

Skip a year.
Don't hide it. Raise public awareness.
Call the campaign called Skip a Year or Back to Earth etc
Literally everyone will be on board with housing the homeless instead of exploring space.
Unite all people, faiths, races and political parties.
Become national heroes.
Giving every American a safe place to sleep is literally the FIRST thing that our tax dollars should go on.

Politics is so easy when you are not corrupt. There's a ridiculous amount of money to go around.

Ship them off to work camps that pay them. If they are just nomads like pic related, they are fine.

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Stop giving them welfare.
But aside from that, what even is there to "fix"? They've made poor choices and now they live with the consequences. Any of them can get out of homelessness as soon as they want, but they don't.
The absolute most that I would suggest is a bunch of buses (funded by charity, not taxes) to take them (if they want) to farms where they can work as fruit pickers to replace the foreign labour. I also think it would be reasonable to give property owners more legal power to evict them.

Why does Israel and the Ukrain have a bigger budget than NASA?

USA has 30 million homeless and like 100 million empty rooms in buildings, apartments, houses,etc.

Just make the lowest level existence a one room in a ex- hobo building.
It can't cost you more than a few hundred billion.
>oh wait then the landlords couldn't charge exorbitant amount of money for rent

CIA runs the drug trade chief.


1. Round em all up
2. String em all up

end the female reign over institutions. none of these boys were inspired by their enforced structures so of course they don't respect them or the people in them. Even if it's only a little beneficial it is far better that we create a better class of sleazy conmen then we allow them all to "slip through the cracks" into some form of human that believes he can't be refined further.

The inmates always run the asylums, don't you know?
It happened last time, it'll happen again.
We have become undying.

Give. Them. Homes.

NASA is funnily enough one of the most efficient and best-run US government agencies. They make do with surprisingly little, and most of it just comes down to good managerial and engineering practice.

oh yea hard working people are the problem, look they are even white!
Definitely don't look up who has personal control over central banking world wide and has 30+ trillion in assets without contributing anything to society.

Work farms. Taught valuable skills, dry out and get a place to sleep.

Because on the moon, you can't give out those sweet military-industrial no-bid contracts to your corporate cronies.

>remove welfare
>let nature take its course
All these faggots are living off welfare

Ted Kaczynski has an answer

Give them want they want and the problem will solve itself.

Not sure if you are agreeing with me or not, but thanks for the (you) either way.

Offer bounties for the scalps of homeless people. Problem will be solved in less than one week.

bring back mental asylums and workhouse, strip the homeless of their so called freedom and force them into either of those 2 institutions.

Corporate cronyism.
All are a waste of money when Americans are starving and freezing to death. Homelessness is the worst experience available to humans. It is hell. Try sleeping rough for just one night.

I think California is already doing something like that. It’ll just breed more homeless. I think one of the west coast state where putting them in hotels, and the homeless people were trashing it.

Bicycle and molotov their tents in the middle of the night.
They'll clear out pretty soon after a couple of them.

Is that why they claim to have lost the tech to land on the moon?
Is that why they can't produce any Rocketdyne F1 engines?
Is that why we see Project FUCKING Artemis literally everywhere and shoved down our throats?
Is that why they lost this tech and ability immediately after shifting to Project Artemis?

it's not a cost issue

good bait, made me seethe for 0.2 secs until I realized you're trolling

The people who work at shelters are probably minimum wage losers who are easy to bribe. Give them some free drugs or a few bucks and they will look the other way.

>Flame thrower
>Some kinda street cleaning machine to clean up the mess.

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>Try sleeping rough for just one night
I do it regularly for fun. It's called "camping".

24/7 active denial systems aimed at them until they kill themselves.

in many cases they're without any income whatsoever


As above so below.
1 Actually punish biggest thieves and fraudsters.
2 More humane education system and jobs with better quality goods and services and security as reward.

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Thats not going to happen. Do you have any realistic ideas?

- Detain
- Group based on following categories
> mentally unhinged
> working homeless
> drug addicts
> those who 'choose it'
- Send mentally unhinged to facilities
- Put working homeless in government housing schemes
- Force addicted into some rehab prison
- Exile the rest

death penalty to drug dealers and manufacturers
easy pz

2:30 am on Wednesday morning. Take them to black sites, euthanize.

3:30 am, block off the steet, being as many city garbage trucks as needed to remove tents/belongings.

5:00 am, street clean/power wash

7:00 am, gone.

>lost the tech
why would anyone waste that amount of money for literally nothing? The moon is absolutely boring scientifically. I'd rather those funds go to a good IR space telescope, oh wait!

if you look through the history of long-term homeless they have often been given exactly that. yet they end up on the street again, and generally entirely due to their own behavior and sometimes intentional choice.

Which part of
>let nature take its course
is hard to understand?
Either they get a fucking job, or get charity from some community or religious organization, or die.
All of these would be good things.

Too late, all funding diverted to trying to make sheboons intelligent enough to create and operate equipment.


Tax Nigger Battle Arena, Nigger Fighting League, and Hollywood 900% and take their property to house the homeless

Imagine if we had made a 30 billion dollar space telescope and just hung the super sensitive telescope mirror out there is space without a simple shroud of Kevlar fabric to protect the backs and sides of the telescope mirror.

>t. believes token niggers for the camera are actually the norm
STEM is still mostly merit based

Use the empty parking lots of failed American consumerism and build tiny houses on them. Make them work in exchange for living arrangements and food. If they choose not to do it, then ship them off to go survive in the desert.

make a homelessness score.

the more you spend nights out, the more points you collects, have achievement goals in certain points like:

1000 points: castration

3000 points: gas chamber

also add jews to the mix for a good measure.

>Work security guard in portland
>see heroin heather or Meth Melissa
>give them $20 so they can give me an assjob
>assjob is dry humping, sit on my lap and rub their cheeks until cooom

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Worker bill of rights. You own your own body and labor and you can make whatever contract you want (you retain the right to terminate any contract at any time for any reason).

That's it. Entrepreneurs would solve all this, if it weren't illegal

enforce the bazillion laws already on the books

oh yea, just redesign and delay for another decade to minimize an already neglegible risk

Island, Escape from New York
Insane Asylums
Halfway Houses

Just kill the homeless