Jewish Tradespeople

Have you ever seen or met a Jewish tradesperson?

Was Jesus the last Jewish carpenter?

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Never. They would probably be disowned

Jews have a more important job. Looking after money for the goyim

that one internet jew that was kvetching about right to repair apple's products

A kid I went to high school with was Jewish, non-practicing, and is a continental trucker from what I know. Other than him, no.

They're known to be cobblers.

jesus wasn't a jew btw

I'm Jewish and I'm a plumber but yeah I don't know many other Jews in the trades.

Christ wasn't a khazar

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I have met 2. One did framing and the other did fire protection. They both quit though so I guess that must mean they are both in league with Satan

kind of men who call AAA to put the donut on, no.

I think they set themselves up with bar mitzvah money
They find work where they dont have to work too hard cus they dont have to.

I'm a half jew welder
I know another
My dad was a watch maker (he's the jewish one)
I don't know if that's considered a trade or not
Our family is pretty estranged from the extended relatives, they're all realtors and such from what I know

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"Russia, perhaps influenced by the success of the American Enlightenment, felt that it could turn saloon-keeping usurers into sturdy yeomen farmers within a generation, but the program soon made contact with deeper more intractable realities, most notably, the Jewish aversion to manual labor. P. I. Pestel was convinced that this early example of social engineering was a fool’s errand because, quite simply, Jews did not believe in farming. “In expectation of the messiah,” Pestel wrote, “the Jews considered themselves only temporary inhabitants of the land in which they live, and as a result want to have nothing to do with agriculture. They also hold all forms of labor in contempt and devote themselves almost exclusively to trade.”


According to M. O. Gerschenson, the spirit of the Jewish people prohibits involvement in farming because a man who tills the soil is the man most likely to put down roots in a particular place.” Jews gave up the plow at the first opportunity in order to become middlemen and devote themselves to other more desirable activity. The hard work of farming was the bitter lot of the goyim; the fact that Jews did not have to break their backs while engaging in hard physical labor was perhaps taken as another sign that they were the Chosen People. Jewish women soon refused to marry farmers, or they had clauses added to their marriage contracts which specified that they could not be expected to do manual farm labor."

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Never met a Jew who wasn't well educated. Usually a law, business or medical degree.

Watchmaker would be considered a technical trade like jeweller. Not uncommon to find jews in either trade. Physical trades are beyond most of them though

user, are you sure your not thinking of lepracuans?

I sold some Hot Wheels to a Jewish guy who was a painter by trade. Very easy to talk to and had a warm aura, I made him laugh easily too with my meager banter. I almost didn't want to sell to him because of the pol memes but I went through with it anyway and I'm glad I did. He didn't even try to price gouge me, in fact he probably overpaid a bit.

there is a counterargument for this, the kibutz, when jews want they can be good farmers

Harrison Ford was a carpenter

Kibbutz work is done by goyim from overseas

my dad was a plumber though he was only a half breed his dad was a marine he was full blood and I have outher relatives that were army enginiers

>Jews did not believe in farming.
the fuck you talking bout my ancestors in romania were farmers

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The only profession a jew can have is a thief. No matter what they may appear to actually do they are always stealing

explain this nigger

How do you know whether or not they're Jews besides their names?

We look Italian for one
Italians are basically ashkenazi

A jewish field mechanic from Chicago

Yes, I knew Jewish carpenter. He worked for my dad. And I know a Jewish horse tour guide who takes care of horses for a living. I have known alot of Jews and not many of them have laborious jobs.

I'm one, but I'm an extreme anomaly that got the shit end of the stick early on. I've only met one other blue collar Jew in my entire life. Sometimes, I'm thankful for it as it makes me see how utterly shitty most Jews are, but the other side of me wishes my people cared about what happened to me.

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Many jews are dirt poor scumbags working class stiffs.