People you would pay good money to see hanging from the gallows.

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the death of uncle frank made him go full onions

I would like to see corrupt politicians, Trannies, bankers, drug dealers, sodomites, gangbangers, rapists, pit bulls, and pedos hung from the gallows in public and I'd gladly pay money to view.

Good choice. Bill Gates.

Trevor Noah deserves this much more disregarding the fact that he's a nigger

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lets make it a double

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oh god, castro jr. is so killable

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*snap* NEXT

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nope, I'm gonna torrent it though
I'm not paying the kike any money at all I'll steal his execution and laugh at it

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Tom Green
I hate everything about that fucker

larry silverstein
harvey weinstein
ghislaine maxwell
henry kissinger
justin trudeau
joseph biden
angela merkel
van rompuy
guy verhofstadt
jonas gahr støre
jacinda ardern
scott morrison
janet yellen
jerome powell
george soros
bill gates
albert bourla
stephane bancel
ben bernanke
dick cheney

just kill all of them

I dont care how rich I would be, if I woke up, looked in the mirror, and saw a disgusting goblin-esque Jew rat bastard looking back at me, I'd kill myself in public

Jon Oliver and Colbert

hypothetically hypothetically

say God gave you the power to do it yourself.
a sword that with fire delivers its enemies to hell
the sword of spirit, to kill, wound, or strike.

I wrote a song once that might help

comey mueller sessions struck page
awan setaro husane, bush chany clinton
mccabe rosenstien maxwell

whose on the list

will smith? jadah pick?
present the evidence
Lemme get a glimpse
I'll put an end to it
Lets do this
where my prints
they ain't at the scene
their in the oval office
Commander and Chief



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Colbert is a sick pedo -more than anyone can imagine-, hanging would too quick a death for him, but I agree he needs to die.