Ethnically homogeneous societies are no more harmonious than ethnically diverse societies

Look at Sengoku Japan, almost entirely ethnically Japanese. Or look at Warring States China, almost entirely ethnically Han.
Huge death tolls, more than a century of civil war each. In fact, ethnically homogeneous China has gone through many breakups over its two millennia history, and each breakup has entailed tens of millions of dead.
Look at the English civil war.
People find bullshit to fight over no matter what, even in ethnically homogeneous unified states.

Attached: Nobunaga's Ambition.jpg (800x797, 197.61K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>ethnically homogeneous China
are you dumb?

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Yeah that's cool and all bro but major happening

Holy shit. I used to have that game. 7/10.

> Warring States China, almost entirely ethnically Han

Masonic satanists rape, torture, and brainwash children in order to use as actors later posing as politicians and public figures to manipulate public opinion. Almost everything that happens if fake, WWE style.

dont care, my european heritage is cool and theres nothing immoral about me wanting to preserve it in our homelands SAGE

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I'm talking about the Warring States Period in China, dumbfuck, in the 2nd and 3rd centuries, and about the Tang breakup with the An Shi Rebellion, and the Ming breakup. China was ethnically homogeneous and ruled by Han Chinese during all of those.

Good answer. This should be the response of ethnic nationalists, not that ethnically homogeneous societies are harmonious and free of conflict.

The Bolshevik revolution took place in a perfectly ethnically homogenous society. Meanwhile, America never believed in communism because nobody really wants to live in the same neighborhood as blacks.

No silly boy. Buzz back to your shithole now

I did too. It got me into strategy games.
Look at the box art of Nobunaga's Ambition: 1MEG, 64KRAM, battery backup saves up to three games.

Another awesome game in pic

Attached: Romance of the Three Kingdoms VII.jpg (475x671, 76.52K)

Meant as response to


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By the way, I'm not defending the diversity agenda, just pointing out a fact.
One can acknowledge that ethnically homogeneous societies are as conflict ridden as diverse ones and still prefer the former for reasons of preserving one's traditions, as user said here

>By the way, I'm not defending the diversity agenda,
oh sorry, threads with these kinds of questions are usually aimed that direction, and also by people who aren't interested in discussion.

All of the Koei strategy games from that era were amazing. ROTK, Gemfire, L'Empeurer

I still don't want to live around niggers, spics, jews, and faggots, though.

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ethnically diverse means black and some other group.

Dude, every fucking time there is some sort of senseless violence, there is some sort of nigger involved. You can't tell me any different.

their societies were pretty damn harmonious during those wars tho lol

Were niggers involved in the Taiping Rebellion, which killed anywhere between 20 and 40 million Chinese?