Left-wing general

Anyone else here unironically leaning more left these days?

We know the rich are all of our enemies.

if we had socialist governments in all nations there would be any economic migration causing changing demographics and immigrant crises.

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Why yes I’m leaning Socialist… also Nationalist. You might call me a National Socialist.


No. I left the left.
You're faggots and should be crucified and blinded


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government creates the problem
more of the problem wont solve the problem
however more lwg on pol will bump
leftypol come back to rightypol

>National Socialist

They lost the only war they ever fought and were in cahoots with American big business and the very Jewish peoples they claimed to hate

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>government creates the problem
[citation needed]

rules of logic book one
if the government can fix a problem
and the problem exists
the problem is the governments fault
because we elect the government to fix these problems
it is the governments sole purpose and job
the fact that there are problems proves
the problems are the governments fault
or that the government cannot fix them
however we can fix the government
and this is what is right about rightypol
keep in mind that all problems are either solvable
or must be ignored.

Didn’t you give up your guns?

name a problem and lets look at the issues fixing it

Only white non city fags have them

poverty. cause: government through regulation and control of the economy via central banking, taxation, and restrictions on the possession, ceation, and transportion of goods and services.

>poverty. cause:
free market capitalism

the rich take advantage of a system that allows them to mistreat workers and treat them as expendable

government's hands are tied by democracy; people like you vote in republicans who act in the interests of the rich and prevent government from making them pay their fair share in taxes or otherwise regulating them to limit the abuses more

the "low regulation" era you aspire to were eras where slavery, child labour and goons shooting striking workers were the norm

I don't why poor people like you try to side with the rich, like they'll care about you

>Anyone else here unironically leaning more left these days?
Depends on what you meme, but seeing as you're a memeflaggot I'm not going to expound my position on the matter.
>We know the rich are all of our enemies.

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>Hijack the left
Good idea, let's do it!

>zionist shilling for the rich
much surprise

Drop dead. Do the world a favor and end your worthless lives, subhuman vermin.

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>zionist shilling for the rich
I know Commies are averse to success, but sure; whatever tickles you pinko fancy.

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poverty exists in countries with governments and without free market capitalism

Social Democrats run Sweden and the country is one of the best in the world to live

>poverty exists in countries with governments and with* free market capitalism

National socialists ran Germany and it was the best place in the world to live (if you were German.)