Bond market is collapsing
Millenials buck status: broken
Zoomers buck status: broke
Boomers retirement status: annihilated

Burry called it once again last year

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Other urls found in this thread:


2 year bond collapsing
Get out of debt now

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Damn, and they wait until the last minute to tell us this ?

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Pathetic bear market rally ended friday
Monday is gonna be a bloodbath
If you're not part of the jews that can sell during the weekend, you're fucked

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tfw positioned to profit off of the collapse

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Soon coming everywhere
Crypto doesnt stop during weekend
Its a foreshadowing of what is coming tomorrow
Its gonna be 20k by 9h30 monday

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How, user? Pulling some Lucky Larry shit?

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the yield curve inversion was wrong this time. TA is astrology for dudes

>wasnt wrong for last 100 year
>i swear bro..this time itz..its different..IT JUST IS
mmmm i love the smell of this copium


human action is not governed by a line on a chart

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But its literaly is
Good luck buying a home at those rate kek
You will own bothing and be miserable

>2008 all over again
The housing bubble was a cakewalk compared to what's happening now. The FED keeps printing money and checks it can't ever cash and the economy is coming to collect. There is no quantitative easing for hyperinflation.

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personally I'm telling my clients to invest in canned food and shotgun shells, they're going up up up!

This is why trudeau is going full gun banning.
Gun sales are explosing here and he is getting scared


imagine not being all in dollars since Jan
stocks selling to dollars
bonds selling to dollars
crypto selling to dollars
houses selling to dollars
dollar demand at all time high

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Final melt up before utter collapse
You wont catch the top and when its gonna go back down you wont have the time to sell before it hit 0
Only complete retard are in USD

Yep, I work in mortgages and I can tell you the GSE aka Fannie Mae, Ginnie Mae market is DEAD. It’s deader than dead.

Pre-pandemic we were 20 apps a day. Covid boom was 40+ a day. Now? TWO a day. It shifted this fast when rates crossed 5%. The market is DONE.

Prices went up too fast and inflation is too high to have these kind of house prices.

Prices will not drop for months though. First you have to list your house. Then you wait for bidders. Then you think you can do better. Then you finally drop. But your neighbors dropped so you wait and see. Then you HAVE to sell so you finally drop below market to offload.

Then, the fun starts. The RE market will take at least six months to adjust to these rates.

debt based economic model is not sustainable
Financialized speculation based market with no Price Discovery Mechanism is nonsensical, and unsustainable
all the post-1970s financial instruments which never previously existed (futures, derivatives) have brought us here, completely fueled and crutch-supported — particularly since 2008 — by endless supplies of private central bank-generated debt note fiat currency aka 'free money'
the economic collapse which began in Aug-Sept 2019 continues
this is when the primary dealer Wall Street banks became insolvent to meet their overnight repo obligations, Fed began emergency QE of hundreds of billions $$ per month
even Elizabeth Warren asked about it Oct 2019 "Wth is going on here"
almost $1 trillion total up to Feb 2020
then magically along came covid
another $13 trillion 'printed' into existence
money velocity *remains today* at historic lows, just got Q1 2022 GDP -1.4%
yep, economy *still* collapsing 3 years later
now we have Let's Go Brandon telling us all how 'great' we're doing, (after Ukraine invasion/SCOTUS Roe v Wade "leak"/monkeypox) MK Ultra school shooters being triggered on demand to further divide-&-conquer / distract everyone
from the collapsing economic Financialized house of cards around them







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1920s level of hyperinflation is already here. The petrodollar is over. The financially illiterate like yourself are in for a world of pain.


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so what the fuck do we do? buy le meme ammo? silver? le meme perishable food? none of you "in the know" faggots ever advise anything but the typical "you're fucked xD" fuck you

>world of pain
we're all in for it
no escape or avoiding it >hyperinflation
see the above linked post
whole system is going to collapse
debt market implosion

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>none of you "in the know" faggots ever advise anything but the typical "you're fucked xD" fuck you

This. Never any real advice around here, just doomsaying

Crypto took a huge dump earlier this morning so I imagine the markets will be a bloodbath on Monday.

I can't wait to get some cutting edge financial advise from Literally Who? on social media posted by an unemployed loser in his mom's basement.

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Rebuild from the ashes into a better system, But that's the thing. People won't.

>what the fuck do we do

this is *THE END*
Titanic is about to hit the iceberg
you already should have your stash of ammo, PMs etc
anyone who has not been prepping is screwed

imagine thinking americas debt means anything. Bitch we're america we'll just write it off

What do the debt owners get though? They get the collateral.

In a hyper inflationary environment does the debt owner want their original dollars at 3% interest back or do they want the house they can sit on?

Why is that important? You better be able to service your debts or lose what assets you have. Super bad to be insanely leveraged right now with prices rising all around you if you have any risk of your income going down.

This. They go hand in hand.

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Vehicle loan market will be imploding this year.
Housing will do a 2008 again.
The stock market is going to lose another 50%, minimum, in the next few months.
It's SHMITAH, and if you've been here long enough you know that.
Everything is going to go to hell, by October. It's designed to.
Stockpiling hard critical assets like food water and ammo hopefully won't be necessary, but this is lined up so neatly that I can't say it for sure.
Welcome to the great Reset, fellas. All according to keikaku.
[Translator's note: keikaku means plan, but it is unclear whether the poster is referring to Klaus Schwab's plan, or the infamous kalergi plan]

I look forward to ubi

Amazing, people are actually conditioned to believe this shit.

Where do you think it goes to and what to you think will happen?
Then prepare accordingly.
Aside from that most topics you're talking about there's ton of information here

>debt means anything
>just write it off
until not possible to do so finance expert Grant Williams :
> ..."We have created this [post-2008 global economic environment] through every attempt to minimize [corporation-manufacturer-retailer] costs and maximize [leveraged/Loan-based] margins, and we've done so against a [credit card-bogged] consumer who can not afford to pay rising prices. So everything is being forced back to the bone."
>"Everything — if you look at what has happened since 2008, with interest rates at 0% and [thus] abundant capital which has enabled all of these billion-dollar unicorns to burn money — and you know, I don't want to get talking about Tesla but it's the perfect example. It's lost money seventeen years in a row. There is no company in history that would have 60, 70, 80, 90, a hundred billion dollar valuation that had not made money for 17 years in a row. And it's only been afforded that luxury by zero cost of capital."
>"So, here we are. We've created this world around us. The consumer needs these companies to lose money, because if Uber was a money-making enterprise for example, people wouldn't be able to pay for an Uber. And so here we are. You're getting cost pressures on the consumer side, you're getting demand pressures. And none of this works. Fundamental principles of economics — nothing we have built around us, works. There's a perfect example of this, Louis Vuitton LVMH [luxury goods company] recently wanted to buy Tiffany, and they issued 10 billion dollars of bonds in order to fund the acquisition of Tiffany; a large proportion of which (we don't know for certain since they don't release the holdings, but) you can very safely assume was purchased by the ECB [European Central Bank]. They placed that bond at negative interest rates. So, Louis Vuitton has been funded by the ECB, been paid, to borrow the money to buy Tiffany. I mean, at what point does the madness stop?"

Yeah the real estate market crashes in slow motion. The market tanked in 2008 but you didn't see the bottom of prices until like 2011.

man biz and pol threads are so similar i get confused which board im on

>anyone who has not been prepping is screwed

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We will own nothing and be happy.

sooo do we dump US $ 's for a place in the country with productive farmland and a water source , gold, silver , weapons, ammo and food ? Is the bug out plan the only viable plan now ?

>who is Michael burry

If you had to choose between paying inflated rent to maintain liquidity for the crash or buy an overpriced house to lock in a low rate, which would you choose? Asking for a friend...

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