So when is the vaccine death wave coming? I want to some action already

So when is the vaccine death wave coming? I want to some action already

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2 more years

Right after the winter of severe illness and death.

already happening its covered up by all media and every institution

Winter of death hasn’t happen yet

look up SADS

2-5 years from injection. Shit is already happening, but be patient, shit is only going to get fuckederer for the vaxxgoyim

Just wait until this winter rolls around. This is what everyone is going to be eating because meats going to be off the table for good with how bad things are going to be.

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this, it sounds like a fucking pol meme, but it's real.

That link is to an Aussie site. Remember, elites trial-run everything in Australia or NZ before releasing to rest of Anglophone world and then rest of the world. I legit thought this was a pol meme of anti-vaxxers mocking/pretending to come up with a term that MSM would use in the event of vaccine deaths. But it's not a pol term. It's real. This is literally what the elites/msm are using for vaccine death. It's never existed before this year. They just took Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, which has existed for a long time, and replaced "infant" with "adult" to spin this story.

It's absolute madness. Right now we're in the early stages of a world where it's totally common for your 32 year old friend that eats right, isn't fat, doesn't smoke, works out 3 times a week, runs marathon once a year, to randomly drop dead from heart attack or stroke.

In the past, the only young people who died from heart attacks or strokes were extremely heavy drug users, people who are shooting up heroin mixed with cocaine every day, and then one day they get coke that's a little too pure and it shocks their heart and they fuck up. But now...those kind of deaths are going to be normal for regular people. And if you point out that this was never normal, then you'll be ridiculed and laughed at and normies will claim that it's always been common for healthy adults to randomly die in their 20s and 30s.

We're entering levels of madness that shouldn't be possible

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That was supposed to be this winter you faggots

two more weeks

He forgot to add his boyfriends cum. He'll need the protein with no meat(other than his boyfriends cock).

it's already happening.
they call it the SADS. they have big sads now T_T
google sads.

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sads :(

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People randomly dropping dead has always existed. I personally know a guy I trained kickboxing with who was perfectly healthy at 24 and just went to sleep and died one day. This was like 2015.

yes but we have a huge over-mortality in young people all of a sudden.

its already started just look up all the deaths from blood clots

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sads :(

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Two more weeks

Dude, that's literally anti-vaxxers dying, AGAIN. How have you guys not learned yet?

It's being covered up because nobody wants to lockdown anymore and because it's just anti-vax morons dying for the most part anyway so fuck 'em

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Yeah, that's because of COVID, dumbass

Two more leeks

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yes of course. why do i not get covid? i've been arround people who tested positive and had symptoms, i deliberately tried to infect myself, nothing.
meanwhile all the vaccinated at work test positive and have symptoms like every half year.
one guy who is 45 y/o suddenly developed sarcoidosis and löfgren syndrome, which was totally not triggered by his booster shot of course.

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pre vaccination: this will probably cause auto-immune and cardiovascular diseases
post vaccination: jeeez people mysteriously develop all these auto-immune and cardiovascular diseases

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I'll never know that's happenin. Thats gonnabe be another jew-flu or nigger pox or something