Why do non playable characters love that country they didn't know 4 month ago so much ?

Why do non playable characters love that country they didn't know 4 month ago so much ?

Attached: Europe-Ukraine_(actual_control).svg.png (1920x1615, 512.3K)

It’s just like lord of the rings

dude, just stop watching Fox news already!

Literally propaganda.
Not to say war is good, but if those autists gave a fuck they'd know it's not the most brutal war, it's not the only on-going war right now, it's not even the most severe in the last 20 years.

They're programmed to hate it because it clearly implicates Russia as the enemy;therefore raises war support.

I don't watch TV and we don't have Fox News in France.

Redditor here. I can explain - basically, Ukraine is very analogous to some of our favourite media. For example, in the “Harry Potter” series, the school is called Hogwarts and it signifies everything that is good in the world. Since we’ve already drawn parallels between Putler and Voldemort, it is clear that Ukraine is the “Hogwarts” of this situation.

Likewise, other fandoms draw similar parallels. For example, there is a common association between Russians and the Orcs of Mordor, or with the Stormtroopers from Star Wars. This would logically make Ukraine Gondor/the Rebel Alliance respectively. And many of the stories of heroes we hear coming from the media can be very directly superimposed on many of our favourite characters from Marvel and DC Comics! The Ghost of Kiev, for example, with his ability to snipe down enemy aircraft at ridiculous ranges is basically a real-life Hawkeye!

Hope this helps.

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> invade a country
> wonder why it implicates Russia as the enemy

see if i punch you to death will everybody like me because i'm so fucking powerful? and that fucking losers who will blame me are just jealous?

redditor btfo

That shit was so retarded you didn't need to tell us you're from reddit bro lol
>ghost of kiev is like hawkeye - they're both fiction

Never said this. Never even implied it. Try harder larper

They are pre-programmed with RUSSIA_BAD.
They get an extremely one-sided coverage.

>It's OK when US does exactly that.
And here's a liberal scum.

>It's OK when US does exactly that
He never said that though. The US can afford to do it because it has "pals" everywhere and the World Reserve currency is the dollar.

user, I think he is joking

Not every is as bad at geography as you are


There is a war.

You retard.

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instruction by their magic box

I've loved ukranian culture since 2011 and hated vatniks since the 2000s. A match made in heaven really, every dead Russian brings me joy and the fact everyone made fun of us for losing 5000 soldiers in 20 years just for Russia to lose 6 times as many in only 3 months is elating.
Tolkien was based and you're a faggot doomerjak poster I bet.
>Cries about cape shit posts peepos and wojunks because le baste 4chins culture
>Not the most brutal war
>Our supposed second best, dying by ukranian with Walmart drones dropping acme anvils on Russian skulls.
More projection, there's a 0 percent chance the guy crying about marvel trendies le reddit isnt also a funny poster and probably a real life pedophile lol

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>Funny poster
Cunny I guess even Google doesn't like chug lol
But yeah everyone hates Russians and this war just brought out what was under the surface in most people. I genuinely like Ukraine and have for years, but most normies simply hate Russia and Russians. Apparently across the west lol. Ever notice how it's mainly spics, Muslims, gooks, and shitskins that support Russia? Yeah that's not a coincidence

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Last pic for the road. It's also nice as fuck that we get daily dead Russian pics and videos. Most SG cunts have to recycle the same photos of dead Americans from like 2007 or that one single ambush video. Or Iraqis driving us vehicles that get blown up by isis and pretend that they're Americans. Meanwhile the cope the spew when you show them thousands of pics of slaughtered Russian pics is hilarious

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I can't believe there are people who think it can be outside of western Eurasia.