How and why hasn't he been impeached yet?

How and why hasn't he been impeached yet?

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trump lost
cope you fat faggot

He isn't orange for one. I don't think you "pedes" understand how unsettling that was.

Dem majority, NWO technocracy inbound. Pay attention, AI

Nice joke. Now show your flag, pussy

He's not a peach he's a vegetable

You can't even own a handgun anymore. Keep quiet, bagged milk bitch.

you have to have the senate to do that, and they are all in this together to keep the war machine going.
war machine = kick backs and money for politicians
how stupid are you?

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wait for the midterms, currently the dems have a majority in house and a plurality in the senate.

He actually is kind of orange.

Lack of votes. If Trump had done what he has, he would be out already, plus, the replacement might be worse.

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rittenhouse and johnny won. 2nd ammendment stays. no abortion. niggers still retarded.

For what? Slowly and painlessly transitioning the world off climate altering fossil fuels?
This great man is saving the planet

It's nice that you're shilling for your government but I don't understand why you guys get so mad about it. If Trump didn't want to be orange then he wouldn't make himself orange. Why are you "pedes" so assblasted?

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USA is being ruined by a jewish junta that took over after (((Trump))) staged some drama to trigger Continuity of Government (which gives them all sorts of emergencial powers to poop over everything).

every canadian flag with a chink iphone will be just fodder, he's a jew worshipper but we will never bow to either jews or chinks.
chinks are just jew slaves.

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I think we’ve been in some kind of world wide drill since 11/03/2020.
Everything since then has been cartoon like and obviously fake, especially Joe.

Because if they impeach that old vegetable then this things become your president.

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What exactly has he done that's impeachable? It's not like he attempted a coup or anything

>How and why hasn't he been impeached yet?
The eternal jews want the people to hate him a lot, so that when they make him win again, they can get away with a populist uprising that'll collapse the economy and then (((they))) can take over the country even more...

On a side note, I made a erc token and will be airdropping it in July,

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