Why does pic related confuse and scare the eternal Mutt?

Why does pic related confuse and scare the eternal Mutt?

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Fuck off paki filth

They tried to build this in California

Didn’t even get close to actually doing it

>why yes I would rather spend 2+ trillion in the ME, how can you tell?

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Railroads are literally at the heart of American success. Most major rivers and their tributaries run north-south, the railroads facilitated trade from east to west and the settlement of Middle America. American agriculture and industry boomed.

Then Ford popularised the motor car against the wishes of his Jewish financiers and Adolf Hitler copied him leading to America and Germany becoming leaders on the world stage.

centralised modes of transport with fixed routes, timetables and stops are relics of the 19th century that only Jews and commies adore

It's not effecient when all your small and medium sized cities are 20-40 miles apart. I live in Ohio, 7th most populous state, but if you put that on a map and the land area, it's nothing compared to Europe.

What a shittake, go to Germany or Japan and tell me that their transport systems are relics from the 19th century. Having a car doesn't mean fuck all, you're hooked on to pay road tax, insurance, maintenance, fuel tax. Stop being a goy


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>go to countries that fit into Texas

your mother's electric dildo collection?

I hate limeys so much it's unreal

>you're hooked on to pay road tax, insurance, maintenance, fuel tax
Only a commie would think private property ownership and greater personal freedom of travel are bad things.

What's more, do you think thousands of miles of metal railroads require no maintenance? Do you think they're not all majorly subsidised but government (ie your taxes)? The only reason they even exist today is for military logistics/defense purposes.

Oh and stop saying goy when you're clearly a Bolshevik, nobody is falling for it.

Yuros tend to have a difficult time understanding just how ingrained cars and car culture, are in America. While they have the option of one, we are forced into the requirement by decades of propaganda and tradition.
It's been a staple in every single aspect of our lives from entertainment to family to basic travel, and is merely not an option, but an inevitability and "natural milestone" for us. Many people associate fond memories with childhood car rides, so even early on, they begin to entice and trap you.
To not have one, to not drive, you are an outcast, less of a person and shunned (Unless you're rich enough to bypass the social standings, which speaks to another poison mindset). It is a clever system they have cultivated to have a population self-moderate and enforce every person down the path of buying into the entire system (racket).
To help secure this, they purposely abandoned public transport systems, and keep them in a perpetual state of decay, so only the scum and lesser class use them. This again, cultivates a mindset where we Americans will instinctively associate such an idea with revulsion, regardless of any counter-example or prospects of what could be . Because things can never be better, they will always be how they are!
This is the American way.

Because Amtrak sucks ass and has a monopoly on passenger rail

American way

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American city

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Even shitty light rail connecting Seattle and city about 25 miles away is taking decades to complete. I love traveling by train in Europe, wish we had it here, but I don’t expect it any time. Why do you care how Americans get from A to B?

If cars are private why do you have to pay three separate taxes including insurance then? Answer me this goy

>all commercial buildings down one street
>residential areas kept separate from busy streets
>beautiful woods right outside town
That place genuinely looks amazing.