Why don't you guys step up and get with an intellectual woman?

Why don't you guys step up and get with an intellectual woman?

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because they're almost all intellectually children.

I can't find any

If she's so smart, why is her booty so small?

Inb4 a flood of copes men are very very very shallow and plenty have inferiority complexes and NEED to always be in the right so yeah that’s why.

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Mmmm eloquent nagging.

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Intellectual doesn't mean they are fun to be around.

If their biggest value is their mind, and their mind sucks, then what's the value.

At least with a big booty woman (or whatever you are into) you still can want her physically.

>Woman on Tiktok

The more (((intellectual))) they are, the more opinionated they will be on current events. And by "opinionated" I meant compliant. Buncha useful idiots.

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Smart [ ]
Attractive [ ]
Wealthy [ ]

You can only pick 2

Book bitches seem fucked up but I don't know

Because people confuse knowledge with intelligence

Men want young sexy kind women.

Women who claim to be intellectual wasted their youth, are often overweight, and have spent so much time learning social science that they hate men, children, truth, justice, and beauty.

My girlfriend has an IQ of 135. Mine is 147

attractive and wealthy. I'm retarded so it's a win-win

That's the onlyfan/porn-star route. Wealth doesn't mean jack if you can keep them.

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Find a hot one with aspbergers, killer body but autistic as fuck so has cool special interests, it's a good life

Yet your both gay poor fags

>because they're almost all intellectually children
It's essentially this
Regardless of what that woman in OP's pic is reading she still most likely has an even more retarded understanding of money than the average Any Forums poster

My wealth is in the 8 figures

They are also so autistic they aren't ran through, a sexy autistic women with a cool special interest is the only way to go

Not true

You get Sarah Palin

Fucking TikTok thread. Get the ccps dick out of your mouth you retarded as fuck zoomer. Stop adding momentum to their subversive shit like a dumbass 80 IQ mouthbreather

Eight figure wealth, and you're on Any Forums?

Sounds like you got some kind of problem. Or you're just a big fat phony.

You are braindead if you think the IQ test is accurate lol, how many times have you known someone who was borderline retarded in all aspects but got a great IQ score? Likely almost too many times to count

?implying they are immune to the social media joos

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I collect intellectual women like I collect hen’s teeth.

Mine isn't, mine is so anti porn and showing too much skin it's impressive, there are great women out there. You just have to search

ive been in 3 LTRs in the last decade, i've given up. done trying that bs, done trying to build something with someone for it to go nowhere. i treat women like meat now and kick them out the door. its funny too now that i'm turning 30 and just get more and more attention, sorry babes i just can't take that risk any more not a gamble worth me taking anymore. so thanks to my stupid exes and just observing humanity/women in general, i want no part of it any more and truly enjoy my solitude, i've been single for 2-3 years now and have never been happier in my life even with some financial stresses

Good on you user. Godspeed

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I am an art fag and have been with very talented and skilled women, skill sets and education levels above mine. The Thots would break down in tears or become total cunts when ever I made even the slightest criticism of their work.
Being with an intellectual women is hell on earth unless you are ready to worship her every thought.


Intelligent woman don’t read book on how to make mo money

>No man will choose an intellectual woman over a big booty woman.

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