Aliens are real, you goddamn mongoloid niggers

Aliens are real, you goddamn mongoloid niggers.

Ive seen them forming wormholes with rapid circular motion, ive been in contact with beautiful CIA handlers literally implanting the stone cold reality of alien presence into my mind. Ive looked into the condescending eyes of a tall grey.

What the fuck else do you want? I've seen the ships, the gateways, the tall greys, the arrogant MIBs. And ive felt the overwhelming relief of disclosure. Real fucking DISCLOSURE. She put her thump on my forehead, and i i knew.....words cannot describe this feel, I know how it feels to know we are not alone. I wish you fucking virgins could share this.

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post proof

I came in your mom.

Muhammad, I’m sorry to inform you that it appears you’re off your meds again. Please take them ASAP.

>Aliens are real, you goddamn mongoloid niggers.

so what ?

Deep dreams state, i cannot provide hard evidence.

They’re not real. You haven’t seen shit.

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Then stfu

Was it the most vivid dreams in your life? Because I understand what you went through for the most part.

Words cannot describe it. But when the day comes, i will grab you...tight into my manly bosom. And you know.

Im not larping or messing around. Im what you would call "the real deal". Iv seen them, the ships, the handlers. The only thing im missing is the formulas.

>no proof

Alien related or in general?

Ive seen their ships creating wormholes, i ve witnessed CIA handlers implanting utter disclosure proof into my mind,

ok hans back in your autism cage and take your pills NOW

>Im not larping
You are

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I don't care if they're real or not, don't want any space wogs in my country.

Alien related. I had a vivid dream of a massive isosceles triangle craft passing me by in the ocean, pitch black with no lights or sound. That is very cool though user. With radiofrequency signals ((they)) can play with your dreams.

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Do they want some dinner or something? It's good to be cordial to guests. Maybe some soup to warm them up after a long journey.

aliens are demons


I had one with crystalline aliens launching an invasion on a beach. I was pretty drunk when I went to bed though.

I honestly dont give a fuck. Ive known for a long time we arent alone and beyond that are being visited. Ayys could show up en masse right now all over the planet and everyones lives would still be dogshit. They'd be forgotten in a month.

Of course they are real and what they are doing is troublesome.

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Huh that's a cool one user nice, hopefully an invasion doesn't happen. I always go to bed stoned so my dreams are never normal, kek.

My experience goes beyond that.

I urge every user reading this to suspend their more vile instincts on suspend.

I experienced something that will be forever be ingrained into my very self. You ever wake from a wet dream? Something indisputably real and vivid. Not just forming from memory or experience, but evolving in the moment itself. This was it. I felt the very knowledge of disclosure, and its s till with me. Knowing that 2+2 equals 4....and its happening in a dream. How the fuck can you wake from this and not accept it as absolute truth?


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