Are there any actual arguments against universal healthcare?

Are there any actual arguments against universal healthcare?

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mutts need to commit mass suicide

Yeah I don't even fucking higher taxes.
Tax rates here already fucking ridiculous.

Shit treatment, waiting lists, taxes paying for junkies and niggers instead of treating me. Literally been waiting two weeks for an emergency referral to a dermatologist for what is very likely melanoma pic related. Universal Healthcare is fucking trash and if you disagree you should neck yourself.

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In the UK we have the NHS which is funded via tax money, that means that I have to pay for other peoples healthcare. That means, that Smokers, Fat's and Transgenders can use my money to get their services under our system. Also our system performs poorly, there are long wait times and shit management. Japan on the other hand seem to get shit right, because they are more efficient.

it will hurt dr shekelstein's profits and he has a new boat/circumcision center to pay off

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healthcare is not a right

rights are exclusions of government control. right to assemble is excluding the government from action, right to bear arms is excluding the government from action, right to free speech is excluding the government from action

government providing healthcare is per definition wealth redistribution, an erosion of the individuals right to trade their captial freely.

My kid had surgery this week and when I was driving home from the hospital I was imagining how fucked I would be if I was an American without healthcare. Probably had to pay 100-200k in medical bills and be a true slave to the system for the rest of my life.

Jews and MAsons would run it.
No more need be said.


thanks to the kmt retard

Your health is literally not my problem

Thats why Not Just Kikes moved to netherland for better quality of life. Usa and canada sucks.

Now post the tax contributions by race.

Maybe they should ban cigarettes so YOU pay even more tax elsewhere, ironically it's smokers who are paying for YOUR services, there's a reason they're close to £10 a packet.

You get all that bullshit in the US plus you have to pay 3k for each visit

The worst part is that private healthcare becomes more expensive because they have to compete with shit, but "free", public healthcare, which can never go bankrupt and can always afford to follow whatever new "regulation" the government regurgitates.
(Fuck SUS btw)

Is there universial Health Care in SA? And if there is, how good is it? And if there isn't, how much would it be abused by the blacks if there were one?

How good/bad is Brazil's universal healthcare?

>Is there universial Health Care in SA?

>how much would it be abused by the blacks if there were one?
White people make up 8% of the population yet pay more than 50% of taxes, so any use of public healthcare by non-whites would be exploitative. Even without public healthcare most ERs are filled with nogs who injured each other while drunk or high.

Long wait lines, lack of basic supplies, doctors that don't give a shit and will do the bare minimum and overall mismanagement caused by corruption and nepotism.
So, basically, it's an even worse version of public healthcare in first world countries.

You're not supposed to give out your location if you're going to be a memeflag nigger. Lurk moar.

Ok, I don't fucking support Universal Health Care, as anything that increases the taxes would be something I VEHEMENTLY fight against, but objectively, based on the quality of service of both systems, is UHC better than private health care? Not that I will ever support UHC, ofc.

It's generaly bad but at least you won't pay for your treatment on the doc.
It could be waay better but you can't expect much from a corrupt masonic-kike government and system such as the brazilian one..

It's dogshit.

I didn't you retard. I couldn't find the flag I wanted so I choose ancap I'm not even an ancap, I'm a Minarchist.