This show is black conspiracy garbage nonsense

>purported that Jesus was black and the government lied about 9 11 without sources or evidence
>purported that the cia invented crack and gave it to the black community without citing any sourced or evidence
>purported that Santa was black when orthodox icons clearly show he is white and is from Greece

Was this show made to appeal schizophrenic black militant people while also using uncle ruckus as a way to balance all of this with his obscenities?

Attached: p185179_b_v9_ab.jpg (1080x1440, 184.11K)

Other urls found in this thread: oldest known portrait of,breeding in Greco-Roman society.

Yea but it's still funny

It’s comedy you schizo

Jesus was black

they're mocking niggers for believing that shit, not actually saying it's true

Shuttup faggit this shits based

It’s too meta for you op. It’s intelligent social commentary but still glorifying niggers at the end of the day. Pol is literally uncle ruckus.

I love this show it’s very funny and cool. I wish they could still make stuff like this.

The episodes about what if MLK lived and the one where Obama got elected are both top tier. Great show.

Also the CIA did sell crack to black communities and they don’t need a source you can literally Google it you dumbass, freeway Ricky Ross etc.

Santa is a mushroom

Jesus is an arab and coulda been dark as fuck

Jesus was Arabic
The CIA did create and disperse crack
The government did like about 9/11
Santa being black was clearly a joke making fun of blacks trying to make everything they like black-related

>still glorifying niggers at the end of the day
Literally had an episode were MLK calls everyone a bunch of niggers

you're autistic and lack a sense of humor, they're jokes dude

No it is a kino show about the sad state of being black in the USA.

Huey has more in common with his white oppressors than with his black brothers, that is the entire joke of the show.

I have a feeling the new season is going to be full of woke garbage and BLM shit.
The original show is great, I love the MLK episode.

boondocks, the good old days when black people were still cool

>Jesus was black

Where in this page does it state that? oldest known portrait of,breeding in Greco-Roman society.

Attached: Screenshot_20220611-175224_Chrome.jpg (1080x2400, 793.21K)

One of the biggest running gags of the show is niggers being almost without exception annoying, self-destructive fuckheads

The Martin Luther king episode was great



feeling? a show about nigger culture in current year will fellate and liken them to gods. original run was perfect and couldn't be improved on, just ignore it when they kill good things. I also have no hope for the KoTH/clone high reboots.

MLK was a racemixing communist lunatic my point still stands

This show is a funny sitcom about niggers

> (OP) (You)
>Jesus was Arabic

You mean muhammed right?

>The CIA did create and disperse crack

Sauce please

>The government did like about 9/11

Wikipedia says that's a hunk of conspiracy shit and has sources to support it

>Santa being black was clearly a joke making fun of blacks trying to make everything they like black-related

Attached: Screenshot_20220611-173109_Chrome.jpg (1080x2400, 818.63K)

>without sources or evidence

Attached: Sodomy Rainbow.jpg (2550x3300, 476.03K)

>i am the nigger the nigger refused
>the nigger nigger
>nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
>cha cha cah

>*whisting sounds on intro*
>ayo Riley I know whi peepo, I kno ow dei Pronounce The Whole Word Like This
>oh shit grandad u a real nigga hue hue hue
>whats good nigga what's really good

is a good show, pretty outstanding too since it was created by a nigger

they gay rap conspiracy was based

I dunno, the fact that he originates in the middle east where he could have easily been black or brown? Just a stab in the dark.

But he sure as shit aint white.

It came true
They were ahead of their time by light years

nigger gtfoh lmao

Huey is often wrong. Boondocks is lowkey based and if anything too centrist.
Also it's hysterical so I dont give a fuck anyway

user it wasn't a "it came true"
it was what was happening

it wss written by a dumb nigger. what do you expect. truth?

He did nothing wrong

Attached: fc41b6a93c57c7dcb04d21e934cdab48--funny-memes-hilarious.jpg (236x141, 9.61K)

>everything you just said
>"Ni hao! Brack user hele"

Jesus and Santa aren’t black.
Everything else you said is true. You’re just using the same old Jewish strategy of saying something obviously retarded along with something that’s true to make the true thing seem retarded. Either that or you’re just an idiot.

>ignores the sources footnote numbers on the page posted after rhe sentence

The funniest part is that it's a real story and fucking Boondocks chose Riley of the two kids to play the "victim" lmao

Huey is kind of a caricature
Aaron McGruder (creator) is surprisingly red-pilled. Look at the Martin Luther King episode.

lmao stay mad amerifat
facts dont care about your feelings

Yes and it was funny as hell. One of the best made yet. The episode where they bring Martine Luther King back and then he decides to move to Canada because even hes sick of modern day niggers is probably the single best episode in the history of TV.

I hate that show. Ruxkus is the man, but the rest od it is racist AF. The Iraq vet guts where cool thpugh. The obama dad is an ass.

You've never met Druze people or Levantine people and it shows
They're not dark, nor are Copts

Jesus was Caucasoid, just not European
Anyone who says Jesus was dark has been lied to or is lying. It's literally and unironically impossible.
I'm not even into Christianity

Its funny though. I'm hate niggers as much as the grand dragon and I still laughed a lot. The show honestly has more self-deprecating anti-nigger humor than it does fuck whitey humor.