Polchuds just got truth NUKED


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they think they defeat us by proving us right?

Almost all of our grandparents fought Nazis you ridiculous joke

OP is the poster. What a loveless hopeless faggot you are, time to go back

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leftists can only relate to fiction from hollywood, funkopops, and capeshit because they live in a fabricated reality
like a dying patient in a hospital, the redditors are hooked up to machines feeding them lowgrade goyslop directly from the jewish factory

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Also, black Twitter would literally EXPLODE if someone casted a white guy as shaft.

We will not tolerate your ridiculous double standards. Not one bit.

>leftoids list off all the judaic mainstream media slop that formed their opinions
Is this supposed to be an own on those who knew this shit already and have pointed it out for years? They're just now coming to the same conclusions I did when I was a teenager.

>20k Upboats

do plebbitors actually like all the wokism bullshit

They just told us we were right. All the shit in that post brainwashed them to have the self-destructive jewish mutant opinions they currently hold.

if you don't hate niggers, you didn't get looney toons

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>giving a moments thought to capeshit

yes plebbit really is that pozzed

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It's pretty funny how they chimp out whenever a bible verse is quoted. Like they're wicked and the word of God causes them physical anguish.

I knew there was a reason why none of this shit is worth watching or reading.


Go and stay go. Seasoned, hidden, (You) withheld.

It does
If you held up a Bible infront of these people and kept shouting "the power of Christ compels you!"

Half of them would collapse into the fetal position. The other half would run away.

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Non of those things were outright anti white/anti male. They were also from a time before mass migration and a low white birth rate.

they're also incapable of connecting the dots between this and the quality of everything nosediving

here have another classic plebbit moment

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They were the seeds that were used to brainwash them into being deranged self-hating communists today.

Conveniently left out lotr

Guess they didn't see man of steel.
Superman literally kills all the immigrants and the whole immigrant race.

This is how american immigrants should be.

They're experts in delusion and wishful thinking, the perfect bullshit recipients. They simply choose to not see reality to maintain the integrity of their warped worldview.

>black panther is about civil rights
Funny, I thought it was about a society building ultra tech walls to keep other niggers away.

They'll ignore anything that doesn't fit within their propaganda.

muh jewish media

guys this literally has nothing to do with the nosediving quality of all shows/movies/games/franchises just stop noticing things ok? we're heckin wholesome and just doing the right thing!

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I hate these fucking faggots so much

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I knew there was a reason I hated capeshit

Diverse stories are more important than good ones. Some of the best stories came from pretty intolerant times. Part of progress is ensuring that we're not distracted from constantly identifying and fighting oppression by making fiction genuinely enjoyable. Escapism is oppressive.

What a well written explanation of why the comics and film industries are in a death spiral.

Wait, since when Any Forums has been into capeshit? I don't think people here ever did. I think that's directed at lolbertarians that milk woke nonsense on Jewtube.

Comics are mostly for kids and immature men. It's just a hero with a dumb gimmick fighting villains with also one gimmick. Rinse and repeat. There are very few exceptions with some sort of depth there.

Art and entertainment are a non-productive market, not even an industry. People that live off a hobby. They depend on others doing hard work and the prosperity created by them to be able to live in a functional society. Naturally, these people will lean to the left because most accomodated people are lefties since it's the most fictional and deceiving form of politics (as opposed to the natural order). What I'm saying is that they're disconnected from reality. Most productive people I know are either apolitical or slowly turning to a more conservative stance because they're forced to (since the wokies went on inquisitive mode). That's just anecdotical of course. It wouldn't matter if I knew nobody who rejected wokism. What's right is right regardless of numbers.

That said, they can have their capeshit, I don't care.

Only the simple people stuck in a teenage set. Adults should think objectively, not succumb to elevating shit like comics to the level of gospel. Stan Lee was just a man, and too my knowledge he was also quite conservative in personality so loaded with hypocrisy.

>the propaganda didn't create me, it proved me right

captcha 4krma lol

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Or anything done by Lovecraft.
They like to rape his works in vydia lately while also condemning how racist he was lmao.

You're underestimating how effective film is in convincing people of things that aren't true.

>The Empire in Star Wars is fascist
Which is the reason why it's based.

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This goes beyond fake and gay. This is pozzed and on the sex offender registry.

This is now a reddit hate thread. Post caps

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Jesus Christ, bong..
I had to read the archive for myself, and yes it is exactly that Orwellian. The ego on this douchebag!

Why are progressives leftist fascist?
Where if you aren’t in alignment with them or their ideology you must be canceled, arrested, or silenced. They run the government, the media, radio, social media, Hollywood, the financial industry. Seems like a inverted version of Nazis bent on destroying America.

If I had a gun with two bullets and was in a room with the Klaus Schwab, the demiurge, and a capeshitter, I'd shoot the capeshitter twice.

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Like most reddit posts, this is another variant of
>You can't hold certain opinions, they're dangerous
Censorship of alternative ideas is more dangerous than those ideas in themselves.
It results in both sides being more easily influenced. And it results in radicalization.
What ideas are "dangerous" cannot be accepted as being determined by the ruling class, because that total control results in extremism.
Libs, through censorship, further increases the chance of civil war which would remove liberalism from the overton window.
On another note, this isn't an ICBM. It's a firecracker. Loud, but with absolutely no substance that could actually change someone's mind. Just reinforcing echo chambers.
Geek culture is liberal, not left-wing. Liberalism isn't left-wing (except when centrists call each other commies or natsocs to get a reaction.)
Finally, capeshit. 'nuf said.