The United States is a..?

The United States is a..?
A. Democracy
B. Republic

Attached: republicvsdemocracy.jpg (1600x960, 142.09K)

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Ja maassa maan tavalla
America is an empire collapsing. Just walk in a straight line when you visit and nobody will kill you.

>And to the republic, for which it stands


A democratic republic

C. Mixed economy oligarchy.

But nominally a federated republic composed of individual republic states.

C. Oligarchy


As Aristotle once said:
>Masculine republics give way to Feminine Democracies, and Feminine Democracies give way to Tyranny.

C. a corporatist aristocracy masquerading as a republic, but telling everyone that it's a democracy

The word "democracy' does not appear in the U.S. Constitution a single time. Not even once. The U.S.A. is a Republic. Whenever you hear a liberal whining "omg it's a threat to our democracy", know that you are hearing the moronic words of a semi-literate idiot.

Attached: themoreyouknow.jpg (854x516, 71.98K)

What was the devil's best trick again?

Started off as B.

Now it's an oligarchy.

Both are shit. If anyone gets to vote, the system has failed.

The United States is a plutocracy. You dumb fucking zoomers don't fucking know anything anymore.

to be fair greeks liked to fuck young boys up the ass so a greek republic and our current leaders aren't that different

lol, no they didn't. a bunch of homo fag historians started pushing that shit and reading into it more than your 10th grade english teacher read into the shitty books she forced you to sparksnotes.

homosexuality was looked down on by Greeks/Romans as only being done by extreme degenerates.

Retard american fucktards still dont understand republics are demoxracies. What a joke hahaha

Yeah but you are not much smarter if you believe the US is either of both

“The people” are and always will be whores.
From Rome to Weimerica, power will always end up with the few that knows how to placate the masses with food and entertainment while the many suffer as they justly deserve.

>power will always end up with the few
Not if you have an absolute monarchy

it's funny because in ancient greece anything that gets fucked was defined as 'female', the thing that fucks is male
so by definition; anything you fuck is not gay
including young boys

>I fucked that boy, so how can I be gay
>check mate

>Started off as B.
did it tho?

Democratic Republic.

the US can be called many things and they'd all be accurate.

If anyone has any evidence that the Gayreeks meme is true, I'd love to look at it and discuss it. It just sounds like ancient propaganda, similar to shit today, maybe late-stage Greece had this but definitely not the more pagan, traditionalist ancient Greece. (All dying empires turn retarded and gay, see USA)

Attached: 2b0.gif (298x320, 788.8K)

>it's not gay to fuck a dude if I say no homo
>he's the gay one not me

True but I will keep it with Aristoteles who said there are three forms of government: Democracy, Oligarchy and monarchy. Everything else are subtypes of one of those.