Why do Any Forums zoomers refuse to recognize that picrelated are a soy leftist things?

The highest correlation between gays, tranny and groomer populations is with the users of these crappy things.

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I had fun riding razer scooters with my friends as a kid

I have one, and I'm a racist


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this is mine, cheap mobility and i dont pay all those gas taxes to government

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Nigger that squats 360lbs for reps.

Nice. How much? I'd get one but I just bought a motorcycle that gets 100mpg and I need to save some $$$

because zoomers can't afford good to buy cars

Same, I'm gonna get a remote job soon, why pay for an expensive ticket or 200€ gas a month if I could just my scooter to go shopping and drive to nearest city in 15 min?

I'm too heavy to be moved by these soi contraptions anyway.

But if I would buy one again, i'd probably buy the EPF-1 Pro


The correct action is to toss them in the LA river

Then a gaynigger from out of (serbian) space

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Kill yourself slavkike nigger

I would do it. Not sure how it would hold up with the hills around my place though.

My exhaust on my motorcycle is ridiculously loud, and with my big bore kit, cams and tune, my bike is ungodly loud. I like to ride around and throw a few revs so it gives a pop, and a little bit of flame shots out the back. Nothing seems to make soibois more nervous than this. I also wear this shirt when I ride.

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im a racist libertarian right winger and i ride one of these.

I drive a 10 year old Renault Clio. And I am not buying a new one before 2030.

I am not one of our working class dregs that sell everything they own just so they can buy one of your overpriced and over engineered Audi or BMW pieces of shit that pass for status symbols in our countries here.

I don't get it. It's just a fucking scooter. Literally a thin skateboard with handlebars. You never rode one as a kid?

I know, but dude. When you are drunk and downtown and want to fuck around they are very fun to ride around. Drunk as hell scootin to the next bar is hillarious and exilerating

Scooters are ok, electric ones are gay

No but you still pay for gas, insurance, maintenance, vehicle license and, wheels and other shit only to get to and back from work. let's face you're on Any Forums it's not like you have a social life and drive to bars on the weekends or go on road trips with your friends. and you're not in america either where you need to drive 30 minutes to work.

fuck the carjew

in my city they literally disabled these things so they cant be used in the downtown and high crime areas. Reason? roving bands of nogs would be flying around flashing guns, shooting guns and committing crimes on them to the point they shut them down. Its why we cant have anything nice ever