America is done when even Mexico is telling you to fuck off and Belize shits on your leader

America is done when even Mexico is telling you to fuck off and Belize shits on your leader

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What was the meeting supposed to be about

Just bomb the spics and shoot ones that come up here

crop your avatar out for anonymity you idiot

It's funny how much more AMLO liked Donald Trump than Joe Biden despite AMLO being a leftist and Trump supposedly being this vile Mexican-hating bigot.

I think America forgot why the Monroe Doctrine was important. It was specifically to stop a multi-million man horde from marching up the continent, with communist ideas from failed Spanish colonies. Low and behold, the constant zerg rush that now happens as a result. Hope Yidsrael was worth it.

Fuck Biden but I have never heard of that meeting before and it sounds pointless, the only countries of any influence there are the US and mexico

yeah that's cool and all but what the fuck even is this shit nigger do I need 3 tabs open to parse your fucking twitter thread? you think a screencap of some nigger's brief thoughts suffices?

Nigger these are your literal hometurf.
Are all burgers this dumb?

Kind of bizarre, since Biden has opened the borders.

I guess this really only improves spic quality of life for ten years until the U.S. becomes Mexico 2.0 so it's not actually diplomatically useful.

He's also obviously doing it for political power and getting cheaper labor.

NOOOOOO. DELETE THIS. This kind of information is dangerous to the sheep. THIS IS WHY WE MUST CONTROL THE MEDIA. We can't just have people seeing Biden in a negative light!

TRUMP ATE CHICKEN WITH A FORK. He liked he steak well done! REEEEEEE

They're finally beginning to stay in their own countries MAGA

>Kind of bizarre, since Biden has opened the borders.
That is to the detriment of south american countries due to brain drain and their labour force moving to the US.

how united north and south america are
that's what it was about

How do you think Biden got into office? My ex voted because orange man bad.

Was wondering why this wasn't reported on at all.


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>Was wondering why this wasn't reported on at all.

Because the US is controlled by a cabal of Jews and the media is entirely Jewish so they're only showing the goyim things that benefit jews.

There I helped you skip years of research to understand your reality.

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joe biden is a domestic terrorist

at least they can't board our ODIN platforms lol poorfags

You don't have the support of people here either dummy
That's why you don't openly antagonize everyone and expect their to be no consequences

Pretty dumb.

Those shits barely work! It takes more effort to manage them and clean up after them than we get from them. They're too fat, stupid, drunk, high, and lazy to do anything right.


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Who is "you" and what are you talking about? Do you mean biden doesn't have the american people's support?

>Low and behold

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You know damn well who I mean

Good. We don't want those spics coming here anymore