
This thread is intended to discuss about communism.

1- In short, what are the types of communism that exist?
2- In short, what is the economical critique of Karl Marx?
3- In short, what is Marxism?
4- Are there types of communism that aren't Marxism? If yes, which ones?
5- It appears there are archetypes for communists, for example, the Cuban communists, the liberals, the Russian communists, and the Chinese communists. What are these archetypes and what is the difference between them?
6- From an ideological standpoint, why is liberalism so vile and deranged, with it advocating for the assassination of babies, genital mutilation, and other heinous stuff?
7- Did the Frankfurt school play a role in liberalism? If yes, what was the influence of the Frankfurt school on liberalism?
8- Did the New Age era have an influence over liberalism? If yes, What was the influence of the New Age era on liberalism?
9- Did the Frankfurt school play a role in the New Age era? If yes, then how?
10 - Who pioneered the New Age movement? Was it the CIA?
11- What was the purpose of the pioneers of the New Age era by creating the New Age era? I've heard something that suggested something like that it was a plan of the CIA to turn hardline commies into hippies
12 - Are there flaws in the cold war narrative that suggests that either it didn't happen or the narrative is flawed? I particularly feel there's something wrong with the fancy narrative that is pushed that there was a dispute between USA and Russia to dispute whether capitalism or communism would gain more influence over the world. How could a political struggle for power decide a supposed ideological struggle and since when there was a sort of an accord between the USA and Russia that the one that wins the war gains more ideological influence over the world as if the cold war was a sort of combined fair game (the narrative recounts the could war that way as if it was a sort of casual gameplay)?

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Trotsktism is based...L Stalin

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What is this New Age Era?

>Communism is when the government does stuff

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Age of Aquarius

I feel like most of these are things you should be asking Google or maybe a communism forum. There's too many questions for a typical pol post

I understand very well what the OP is talking about and feel all these connections, but I can't formulate a response.

I think you should think of communism in this sense as a return to the original tribal system. Cavemen had communism and it is an organic form of human existence.

Didn't cavemen have classes? Those that hunt and those that gather

Waste of fucking time
Communism doesn't work.

Only one.

Found the kike. Gas yourself.

13 - What is the Chinese type of communism? I suggest it is a regime where the economy and politics are controlled by the state so as to maintain order and ensure people's work will happen for the common wealth of people in general, with an economy that is anti-monopoly capitalism.
14 - There is a certain notion in people's consciences about "Communist subversion of America", "Soviet super spies" and "Soviet subversion of America". How much is that true and how much is that American propaganda (if it is true and American propaganda)? Apparently, America is doing the job alone of screwing itself. Assuming that the the CIA is anti-communist, then why is America the way it is and (apparently) the CIA doesn't do anything to help it?
15 - If the rivalry between USA and Russia comes from the Cold war, and the Cold war supposedly happened because of ideological conflicts between Capitalism and Communism, then why does America pretends to combat Russia if America is a communist country itself?
16 - Why is America against Russia and China if it is a communist country?
17 - Was America actually anti-communist, and, if yes, in what sense? If America was anti-communist, then from what point did it become communist the way it is today? Sorry if I am confounding stuff, like the terms, like, for example, if I confound communism with liberalism, degeneracy with communism, etc, I usually use words such as "leftism", "communism", "liberalism", etc, as if they are a general thing
18 - Why the CIA has the fame of being anti-communist while at the same time apparently fueling communism in the world, like New Age stuff, identitarian hogwash, etc...?
19 - What is the difference between communism and open societies?
20 - Why are open societies the most communist ones (America, Europe)?
21 - Why are communists (apparently) all atheists, or at least they appear to all veneer the state as a god and the figures of the state as deities?

They had no private property, they did not accumulate things like food. It appeared after man began farming. Before that there was one class of hunter-gatherer

I can't explain, but it is weird stuff. It appears to be about 1960s, hippies, LSD, etc. Give a search on the internet about it and you may have a general idea about it

nah u guys made that up
hunters gathered sometimes
gatherers hunted sometimes
body specialization knows no genetic boundary, any race or gender will adapt to a job over a period of time physically

We forge the chains we wear in life.

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supremacy and elitism are the true cancer on this world
when leadership ceases to request entitlement
we may find peace as Man

Can we be certain this is the case if we have no written records of the period?

Yeah, it kinda happens to every population's genetics. Work a job for a few generations, pass that same job down to your kin, before you know it your family's bodies begin becoming specialized to the task. Its how epigenetics work, can study across numerous cultures to corroborate.
Wanna change? change
Wanna do what you're "meant to do"? join the " family business" whatever your family did.
Mine were pirates, smugglers and musicians LOL

Sounds interesting
I can't see problems with private property ownership. Communists appear to have resentment towards that idea and appear to pretend to abolish that concept or either the concept of private property appears to be obfuscated for the communist. That's my impression.

I think we're talking past each other here user

What an intoxicating naïvety. In your ideal world leadership requires no prestige and no superiority? Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.

nah - you're looking for validation of a class structure and im trying to explain the morphology of the phenomenon that has been mistakenly corrupt into a caste system to enable a sense of entitlement among certain disparately specialized groups and "stack rank" humanity. Its just confirmation bias, you're not being malevolent i dont believe - just a basic fallacy

I'm not looking for validation. I was trying to think in the framework of communism and Marx's analysis of history through class struggles (I think it's untrue). In this way communism is the abolishment of classes. I then replied that I think cavemen also had classes for people therefore they weren't communist

He’s Jewish. We (goyim) are literally all slaves in his worldview.

22 - Is there any relationship between Satanism and communism?
23 - I have heard something like that Marx commented that while he wrote his works he felt infernal smells of sulfur arising in the environment. Does anyone have proof of that?
24 - Was Karl Marx a Satanist?
25 - What about the book Marx and Satan?
26 - Was Karl Marx a FreeMason?

I've led without such entitlement, and I can tell you as a leader its a far better experience with much more enrichment for your soul.
Guilds > castes
you get all the benefits of enabling specialists to do their thing, but stack ranking occurs internally to the guilds based on skill, and the entire thing is 100% consensual and based on personal will, not predeterminism

I would say that "natural law" doesnt closely resemble any of the forced paradigms we are attempting to use as tools to accomplish the various Rites in play right now.
A lot of complicated bullshit from deluded wizards
and a few diamonds in the rough

Communism is kike made, BrazilChang. Go back to glorious Chiner, if it's so great.

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I think guilds are the precursor to syndicalism

I hate esotericists so much

maybe syndicalism rocks
america is more anarcho-syndicalist than most care to admit

dude what the fuck is all that shit?

this is Any Forums

oh I see poster is from


that explains it