Here is the real redpill no one wants to hear: white protestants love niggers

Here is the real redpill no one wants to hear: white protestants love niggers.

Other races explored Africa long before Europe: Greeks, Persians, Egyptians, Arabs. Rome had a 700 year long relationship with Nubia. Chinese fleets made expeditions into the interior as early as the 1200s. But none of them wholesale transfered huge numbers of niggers over to their lands.

On the other hand, whites literally can't live without niggers. Jamestown was established in 1607 and already in 1619, the first black people were recorded.

In 1790, when the first U.S. Census was taken, Africans numbered about 760,000—about 19.3% of the population.

That's right. Your "conservative founding fathers" presided over a country where 1 in 5 people were niggers. In 1860, at the start of the Civil War, the black population had increased to 4.4 million. By 1900, the Black population had doubled and reached 8.8 million.

Now in the latest 2020 numbers, there are 42 million niggers in America.

Luisa de Abrego, a free Black from Seville, and Miguel Rodríguez, a White Segovian conquistador in 1565 in St. Augustine (Spanish Florida), is the first known and recorded Christian marriage anywhere in what is now the continental United States.

That's right. The very first marriage in America was a interracial couple.

Haiti was originally settled by the indigenous Taino, a population of 8 million. After Columbus arrived in 1492, 95% of them eventually died out. By the 1760s, over 40,000 African slaves were imported every year. Today Haiti has 11 million people, 95% black.

An entire half of the world that never saw a single nigger for billions of years....yet was blacked in less than 400 because of whites bringing their niggers with them.

Today Africa's population is set to reach 4 billion by end of century. And every Western government is dedicated to importing more and more of them into the Western world.

This is the legacy of white people: niggers everywhere and rapidly multiplying.

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Jane is a Nigerian, claiming to be an African-American descendent of slaves.

That's disgusting.

How do Southern and Eastern Europeans defeat wh*toids aka NorthWestern Europeans and their nigger pets?

Fuck off

bug hands typed this

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>that choice of image

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A famine is in the works. Rest easy.

In WW3, the northerners will ally with russia and afterwards they will be defeated by a Catholic alliance of France, Italy, Austria etc.
The final battle will likely be near Cologne.

t. prophecies reader

Niggers aren't graceful or elegant which is what is required to be a ballerina, they are brutish and primitive

I read your whole post in excitement.

Biggest cope I've ever read. All stats point to them being less pozzed than others in their country. You're just finding excuses for yourself to not do anything, it's lost anyway right?

To kill rural whites who won't have access to handouts, foods and medicine

Ballet has a difficult enough time surviving anywhere in the US other than the two or three largest cities. There isn't a large audience for it and most have to use government grants just to stay in operation. The people who do attend are mostly older people who aren't interesting in virtue signaling by watching an ape jump around on stage. Look for the number of season ticket subscriptions to plunge the year after they spring this on grandma.

Bump. Heretical protestants are retarded.

Ain’t nothin wrong with a white man loving him some bucks.

Stats from (((pew research)))

That's gross. Here is what it should look like. People need to go back to tradition.

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Right? When stats from (nowhere) give you a way better overview of things (I don't even know what you're talking about)

Why do you think white protestants love niggers then? Is it because their cuckstianity is especually egalitarian coupled with the inverted virtues that say the down trodden are superior?

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Christians are the most ethnocentric according to (((pew))) research. Why do you trust jewish pollsters?

Americans did this. They needed niggers because they were in love with niggers. They loved the niggers so much that they would keep the niggers as pets so they could be around niggers all day. Everywhere they went they would take their niggers with them and would surround themselves with niggers. These days they try to blame the jews but it was the Americans that niggerized themselves until they were fully niggered regardless of who sailed the nigger boats full of niggers to the United nigger states to load them up with more niggers so they could be more niggered up with niggers. Importing boatloads of niggers every day the Americans thirst for niggers was never quenched. Buck breaking the niggers but claiming they weren't gay while they were pounding the nigger ass all day every day, importing boatloads of niggers to fuck nigger ass and celebrating the slamming of the nigger ass and gangbanging the nigger ass

Why do you think americans love niggers then?

Couldn't be bother to choose a nice pose , (((they))) went out of thier way to pick the blurry photo where it looks like she's getting fucked . I hate kikes so much it's unreal

So much wordgames in so few words, you'd end up impressive as a jew. Who said anything about ethnocentrism? Just because education deconstructed some of your beliefs doesn't mean you can't have good instincts. Besides, you're acting like there is only one institute, or like you have counter-evidence, when to me it seems more like you have nothing to say and want to waste air in hope of maybe impressing a credulous person.

At least this shit is funny

Yes we get it,
America is a majority niggers and mutts and globally taking over and whites aren't doing shit.

We know this every 5th-6th time dude...

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I think they secretly want to become niggers