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They'll bring it up during election time for the next 50 years probably

kek they even think its serious. in ten years its going to be muuuch much worse

The play sucks and you can't turn it off, you can only ignore it

They're still seething about gamergate. When do you think?

When it is no longer politically expedient.

This is the only thing keeping Trump relevant. He has been blacklisted off all social media and would be a distant memory by 2024 if these kikes just got his name out of their mouths.

Never, the politicians in power are cowards. They want Tyranny for themselves and don't want to fear the people.

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Never, its their new pearl harbor and 9/11

You don't fucking get it, do you?

Yeah, you're a hit and run shill.

"Get over it", as if this were a negligible thing people obsess about.

January 6th was a right wing, genocidal, racist rapist insurrection and mass torture murder attempt with SEVERAL people dead because of it. Throwing the book at the perpetrators is the least the government can do.

November 9th

When all of you are rounded up and put down like the dogs that you are. It'll be tough shooting though since none of you retards are white so lots of shots will miss into the mud.

They don’t have anything else. So until they have something else to point at, this is it.

The terrorists only mistake was not going far enough.

Bring back the boat motor u stole You ruski mongol slave

>January 6th was a right wing, genocidal, racist rapist insurrection and mass torture murder attempt with SEVERAL people dead because of it. Throwing the book at the perpetrators is the least the government can do.
lol. good joke.

They are trying to deter people from trying to resist. They are scared.

>When all of you are rounded up and put down like the dogs that you are. It'll be tough shooting though since none of you retards are white so lots of shots will miss into the mud.
lmao. you're not going to do shit, libfag.

You're too busy keeping Biden from destroying the country when he's having one of his dementia attacks.

They won't, it'll be the new Confederacy, with them seething about it for over a hundred years

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How long can they keep the country from fracturing? Surely they must know that either balkanization or war are coming. But they are still all in on suppression, which will have diminishing returns.

I wish it was even 1/10th as bad as progressives pretend
here's your (You) for making me reply even though it's bait

This is the first time I feel that the federal government is actually scared. January 6th scared the shit out of them.

>This is the first time I feel that the federal government is actually scared. January 6th scared the shit out of them.
And that was just a bunch of people going into a building.

Imagine if the people started attacking the fucking satanic pedophiles in government and media? We'd be in an oppressive tyranny in a day.

They know nothing bad happened. Whether it did is beside the point. The entire point is to have the moral authority to act like the victim.

Jan 6th isn't just an event that came and went but it's a microcosm of how fucked in the head rightoids are. You outed yourselves now you have to deal with discussion and analysis on yourselves and your mental illness.

I'm not even a liberal. What am I, you ask? Basically I'm not a dumb little faggot like you. This might be hard to comprehend with how much you're constantly thinking about big black cocks in your ass though.

jan 6th was social engineering by pelosi and co

purposely weak police presence, civilian clothed glowniggers leading the crowd, security unlocking the magnetic locks on the steel doors

they're never going to get over it because it was their goal to have it happen to tarnish the republican party and turmp

You think they will get over it?

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>I'm not even a liberal.
You're a shill and that's just as bad.

>What am I, you ask? Basically I'm not a dumb little faggot like you.
That's cute coming from the bitch defending the Democrats are puking up the media's talking points.

>This might be hard to comprehend with how much you're constantly thinking about big black cocks in your ass though.
But you niggerlovers love diversity and love the Communist government shoving gang members into your neighborhoods.

Pol retard shoots up a store. GLOW OP IT WAS THE GLOWIES!!!
Some fag makes a troll that a tranny shot up the school. HOLY SHIT I LOVE THE GOVERNMENT KILL THESE FUCKS!!

Reddit spacing. Let me guess. You came here from the_donald? Christ I despise fucking boomer retards like you.

Take your meds. you're not making any sense, shitposting bitch.

You're a gay fag dude.

1/6 Terror Attack on US Soil
Never forget.
Never forgive.
It's the American way.

This just demonstrates that magatards should have staged an actual insurrection and offed some senators. If they were actually a threat, the regime might be a little more hesitant about this new cause

>7 dems, 2 reps
A balanced opinion for sure.

>eddit spacing. Let me guess. You came here from the_donald? Christ I despise fucking boomer retards like you.
Oh look the little bitch can't actually defend his love of the Judeo Communist government so instead he attacks the people against it.

We will never forgive.
We will never forget.

>You're a gay fag dude.
You're a Democrat voter.

Yeah you did come the_donald didn't you faggot. Lmao it's too easy.

>We will never forgive.
>We will never forget.
Oh you poor little triggered bitch. Did you need therapy after Jan 6?

Did you cry as much as when you heard about the holyhoax for the first time?

>Yeah you did come the_donald didn't you faggot. Lmao it's too easy.
I bet you think voting works and voting matters. lol

>he thinks those two republicans aren’t RINOs
One of them is from the loins of Dick Cheney. She’d be a democrat otherwise.

They were traumatized by having to face that it was possible for them to be ousted.

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You know this place was actually fun before you Facebook boomer retards invaded this place like its 1/6.

Let me guess. They are women too. The point is that this is a kangaroo commission.

They need to put on the show so that the history book remember their lies as fact. Years from now peopel will read about jan6 and think it was real and not some fucking tv show. The current hell needs its foundation myths and jan6 is just the newest one.

Hey look everyone we got a non binary reddit user over here.

>You know this place was actually fun before you Facebook boomer retards invaded this place like its 1/6.
you know, you're a stupid little bitch defending the government and the democrat lies, right?

>reeeeee Any Forums is supposed to be fun and a gigantic circlejerk!
grow up.

Can someone explain why half the country thinks this is no big deal and the other half thinks it’s the worst thing to happen to the US since 9/11. We all have the same information and saw the same videos. How are the view points so polar opposite

>world court 2.0
Lol you burgers sure do love making these fake trials

>Hey look everyone we got a non binary reddit user over here.

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Please go back to facebook or reddit you repressed tranny.

Around the same time that they stop bitching about the holocaust. So, never.

Well if it's anything like the Holocaust (it's worse) it'll lose steam in about 70-80 years lmao. Not sure they can ever get over anything however.


They won't. Notice how they made it a date, not calling it the event itself that appened. Every year on January 6th, they're going to revisit this and pretend it was a big deal. The same thing for 9/11. "NEVER FORGET, STAY SCARED! GIVE THE GOVERNMENT MORE POWER, WE'LL KEEP YOU SAFE!" every year.

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When Biden is celebrating his re-election from a nursing home, surrounding by excited young people wearing t-shirts with Qs on them, they still not be over it.

well OP, this retarded faggotry that vexes you is perpetuated by certain means. one of these would be starting a thread about how it's still a big deal.
you cretin.

It needs to happen again. The american people should rebel against glowfeds every year

This. It's the first time they felt fear and they're striking back with all that they have because of it.