These are the people calling you a chud and conspiracy theorist

These are the people calling you a chud and conspiracy theorist

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>women will begin to lose the right to vote?

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If most men are too retarded to vote then almost all women are definitely too retarded to vote.

Fucking imagine where the US would be if roasties never got the right to vote. Several Mars colonies at least.

She is describing what we're all hoping will happen but probably wont happen. if anything biden will try to make it illegal for straight white men to vote.

Based I support taking away women's right to vote

Killing a baby in the womb is the opposite of basic biology.

Hey be nice, those two X chromosomes are the only pair they got.

These people are brainlets. We know that. Women's right to vote is secured by a constitutional amendment that can't be removed without a 2/3rds vote from Congress. Abortion was never a constitutional right under any amendment so it was removed which was the correct thing to do.

>basic biology of being female
how is taking drugs and having a doctor shove a coat hanger up your cunt "the basic biology of being a woman"?
the basic biology of being a woman means caring for your offspring, which is something these spiteful mutants will never understand.

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When will the Supreme Court invalidate Roe vs Wade? Lots of talking, when is it actually happening?

2 more weeks I'd wager

The idiocy of her post further improves the chance what she fear will actually happen. Look if she hadn't said something so stupid we wouldn't even be here. Which is why women also should not be able to speak unless spoken to.

What happened to female biology having nothing to do with being a woman? And if women lose the right to vote, then why not just identify as a man and be able to vote again?

most women don't get abortions, trashy women losing the right to vote isn't a bad thing.

Inshallah mi reditioors

Well, if they want to vote, couldn't they just transition to be a man? It's not like being a woman is an inherit characteristic anymore.

After 65-85% of women getting vaxxed and supporting mandatory vaccination, I'd say they have proven to be easily manipulated and should not be allowed to vote.

These cunts can't even define woman, so what the fuck are women's rights? The left are the ones erasing women ironically and the right have stepped in to defend women's right to life liberty and happiness.

female hysteria has destroyed the world

are women even human?

At this point, you could tell a court your dog identifies as a woman and then be able to marry it legally. If they go against it, then they go against the idea a man can identify as a woman.

because retards are retarded

all the supreme court decision would do is restore states rights

Voting rights were extended to all men on the grounds that they could be drafted.
Technically women shouldn't have the right to vote in the US.

lmao, also if these women don't want to get pregnant stop having unprotected sex with men whom you do not want to have kids with. plus use a fucking condom use the pill, use the absolute massive amounts of contraception's that are available. i am so tired of this argument.

Nuclear families on Mars colonies

Because they are sprinkling in a bunch of falsehoods. The reddit Handmaids Tale fanfic writers are saying that miscarriages would be considered abortion and therefore a felony. They're also saying that it would be the abortionee who gets in trouble, not the doctor, in the case of an abortion.

Just women doing what women do. Not knowing how to research anything properly, and then role playing as if they have relevant opinions.

>basic biology of being female
wow can someone tell this fucking bigot to be more trans inclusive

We never would have been misled into believing mars colonies were possible in the first place.

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My mom is anti abortion. She told me most girls get abortions because they're whores.

Sounds like a slippery slope fallacy to me.

May you drown in your rhetoric.