How can gaybros refute this?

How can gaybros refute this?

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JFC why did I read that

Dr. Evan Goldstein

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Like everything else on this website, its designed to humiliate you. Mission accomplished.

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who is brave (depraved) enough to find before and after photos

/x/-tards, could this doctor's logo be some kind of sigil? It looks familiar.

Homos are anti-evolutionary and genetically inferior.

Evolutionary, genetically healthy straight men and women never need worry about this kind of insane shit. Vaginas are muscles that are tightened and toned with proper sex & male pre-cum & female vaginal fluids provide natural lubrication.

Evolution is amazing.


Actually there is no such thing as gay. You just have an extreme fetish.

evolution is a fucking larp you faggot
go support Ukraine and get vaxxed you complete fucking moron

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what is it

you're not gay you're just a faggot

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He's trying to help people avoid damage by maintaining a proper and preventative diet.

>Women say the vagina doesn't stretch and gain extra skin
>Gay butthole does

I think maybe the diet isn't causing the damage
it might be the sodomy what do you think?

he does anal reconstruction u idiot

Just stop entertaining your gay thoughts and desires. I was a junkie for 10 years when Heroin pops into my mind I kick out the thought by replacing it with a healthy thought. It is that easy

Just stop being gay. Just make the choice to not fuck men. IDK what to tell you I decided being gay is gross.

Pussies are meant to be fucked. Assholes aren't.

What's the issue? It's basically the preamble of the Canadian Constitution.

Who has that long post about a guy who stretched his ass out so much he could fit a volleyball in it, then completely ruined his rectum?

Google "vaginal rejuvenation". it's the same shit with a slightly different name, and it's big money.

Vaginas go loose too, don't fall for the roasties lies

Because you made a conscious decision to start fucking men

These unnatural and sinful practices must not be celebrated and must be viewed as undesirable

Food chunks are pushed around by the penis and cause ruptures, a healthy diet and clean anus allows for smooth gliding.
Exactly, he's an expert and knows how to prevent the very thing he has been studying for years. Listen to him.

Vaginas and assholes get too loose and undesirable with overuse and penises shrink with underuse. Funny how biology has systems in place to discourage dsygenic behaviors.

>If you bottom and experience anal laxity, post-coital looseness for longer than an hour after sex, fecal leakage or smearing, uncontrolled flatus, or experience a lack of sensation while bottoming or your sex partners find it difficult to climax while having sex with you, you are an ideal candidate for this comprehensive evaluation and treatment program.

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you sure did kek

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gays are those "left behind" by evolutionary process 'cause it's unguided basically those who cannot and do not accomplish any biological imperative and have no future-

sad but that's what happens to them.. their situation cannot be improved 'cause
there's no way to pass their genes and let natural selection improve to a certain degree their phenotype. it was game over the moment meiosis and sex became one of the main ways to produce offspring (basically Gays lost the game 3bn years before the existence of humanity.)

i could not imagine having anal for an hour

sounds gay desu

>penises shrink with underuse.
you aren't very bright are you?

gays are disgusting, unrestrained male sluts. news at eleven.

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My wife is still tight after 15 years. Most gays have their assholes blown out by 30.

Gotta respect the jews theyve got the whole package figured out from the start
They profit from both creating and alleviating the problem they created

ehhh nice read, is all normal goys

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You really think that's bad? You aun't seen shit.

nice way to oust you as a dicklet

DNA isn’t perfect bro. Just look at Down syndrome.

if I was a dicklet it would always be loose
nice way to oust yourself as a virgin Pedro

I'm honestly baffled that anyone defends homosexuality. HIV/AIDS and this anal reconstruction shit are literal proof that you're dysgenic and should be bred out of existence

Itz only smellz