Why the FUCK did men just stand by? You're supposed to be a REAL man and help women in trouble. Fucking retards

Why the FUCK did men just stand by? You're supposed to be a REAL man and help women in trouble. Fucking retards.

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Not my problem


can't get away with murder. rape, ok.

Why would I put my life at risk for literally any part of this shit society? I get nothing back in return.

im not touching negros having surprise sex, my eyes got raped to btw

>go to jail for racism
no thanks

>Let the bodies hit the floor
>Let the bodies hit the floor
>Let the bodies hit the floor
>Let the bodies hit the floor
>Beaten, why for
>Can't take much more
>(Here we go, here we go, here we go now)
>One, nothing wrong with me
>Two, nothing wrong with me
>Three, nothing wrong with me
>Four, nothing wrong with me
>One, something's got to give
>Two, something's got to give
>Three, something's got to give now
>Let the bodies hit the floor
>Let the bodies hit the floor
>Let the bodies hit the floor
>Let the bodies hit the floor
>Let the bodies hit the floor
>Let the bodies hit the floor

it be wacist to stop em

I recorded it and put it online to anger the CHUDS

who cares? It's her fault.

they didn't want to be toxically masculine

Lol I don't get involved in other ppls business. I ain't gonna find out. Fuck off and mind yours.

people doing nothing is an unintended commentary and answer to all of the pozzed double standards society has. wouldnt want to offend someone or commit a hate crime

not my problem

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Hold on, we have to do something but police don’t?

West Philadelphia boarded and raped,
In the cold shower is where I spend most of my days!

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yeah bro i've got four words for you and you can probably guess what they are

if cops don't have a duty to protect then Joe Public has even less

is racist and she would blame you on top of that, they voted for this

It's dey culcha



Fpbp. /Thread.

>Why the FUCK did men just stand by?
Honestly, why should we even care at this point? You voted for this. You voted to be raped by minorities.

Bystander law allows the common American to continue their ZOG life without being legally obligated to help fellow goyim. Never think people will help you in America.

what was she wearing? how was she acting before she was raped?

>nigger infested shithole
>why don’t you care what happens here?!?!!!

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In big homoglobo cities you are conditioned to not intervene, that's what insurance is for, or the police (except when the perpetrator has an acceptable skin tone, if it's too dark then the police gets fucked by DA)

Progressive science tells us that women are strong, brave, fierce, powerful, and exactly the same as men.

Came here to say this


How did they do nothing?
They could have grabbed a titty.
I would have at least been watching intently and jacking off.

You know, I'm somewhat of a victim blamer myself. Kek

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OP is a misogynistic pig. Fuck you for assuming she needed help just because she’s a woman. We aren’t all damsels in distress you fucking incel

Nothing said so suspect was black
maybe none of the other bystanders there had that black democrat privilege and believed in raperations
Seriously anons get the fuck out of democrat run areas and live a better life, leave them to stand up or die out.

>Public bus
It was probably black on black so nobody cares just like nobody is supposed to care about black on black crime.

Cause I isnt no snitch? Im suppose to help the cops capture a criminal? Im suppose to become a cop and stop crime? I thought we hates cops, I though we hated snitches. Why does the left keep confusing me. Is snitching and acting like a cop cool now? What the fuck

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Don't be a bigot user, it's their culture.

In fact, I'm already jacking off at this right now and about to google for "bus rape" porn.
Wish me fuck, I mean luck.

>1 post by this ID
>Old bait
>no link
You faggots are about to give 300 angry (you)s to a fucking spambot.

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This is what you get when you support progressive policies. You get a low trust society where there's no sense of community and everyone hates each other.

the notion of the good samaritan and what is wrong and right have been raped on the national stage of discourse over and over. seeing pedos bringing children into the pedo bar would have made people spring into action but we all know how that society is no longer subscribing to the idea of protecting children (an idea as old as time.) BASICALLY, society WANTS IT. it wants to get raped on a train alone and helpless like the victim it totally insists it IS - like a leftie. but wouldnt that mean that the virtue signaler is denying help kindness and evidence it is surrounded by? yes

did she give the consent to get helped?

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I would join the rape instead

Stand by and stand back.

Either the rapist or rapist and rapee are both niggers, and if against all odds neither is a minority at least one of them is a woman.
By intervening in any form, you are shifting the power balance and are committing a microagression much worse than anything you think you're helping against.
You will get sued and if you get a knife between the ribs on scene any media coverage will declare that you deserved it.

Yeah, I don't think I will.

>You faggots are about to give 300 angry (you)s to a fucking spambot.
and that's OUR culture.

Helping random women is beyond cuckoldism.
And you will be punished for it every time.

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The real answer is you would likely be arrested for some reason, given the legal system is a fucking joke.

>the notion of the good samaritan and what is wrong and right have been raped on the national stage of discourse over and over. seeing pedos bringing children into the pedo bar would have made people spring into action but we all know how that society is no longer subscribing to the idea of protecting children (an idea as old as time.) BASICALLY, society WANTS IT. it wants to get raped on a train alone and helpless like the victim it totally insists it IS - like a leftie. but wouldnt that mean that the virtue signaler is denying help kindness and evidence it is surrounded by? yes

read it again niggers

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City too crowded so prison gay applies, for people to less kill each other.

Check out my insta

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I am quite sure they filmed whole session for wanking material.

its called the bystander effect