Alex Jones infiltrated the once secret Davos group and filmed elites arriving on jet planes...

Alex Jones infiltrated the once secret Davos group and filmed elites arriving on jet planes, and got thrown out of their meeting place. The media denied the group existed and called him crazy.
It took decades before what he said became public. And now it's public, and nobody cares. What a shitty world.

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How come they haven't tried to kill him like they did William Cooper?
Shit Cooper was walking around on a fake leg after the second assassination attempt talking about bilderberg elites while AJ was making satire shows on texes public broadcast.

Are you telling me frogs are actually being turned gay?

Alex to be fair can incite an anxiety/panic more affectively than anyone else. Sadly he's been right about too many things .

More accurately they became actual trannies (not in the delusional way humans claim).

Even though AJ was deplatformed, you can tell that he and Infowars are controlled opposition, since they never criticize Israel and talk about Jewish power.

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Literally common knowledge
They all become female because they absorb chemicals through their skin as tadpoles
This was taught as after-school "save muh environment" evidence 20 years ago.

So they WANT people to talk about these "elite" groups and their depopulation agenda as long as the juice aren't mentioned?


You say no one cares, but i only get my media/news from tucker, AJ and a rotation of podcasts.

ironically he was correct about that. biologists use frogs as an early indicator for pollution because they breathe through their skin. frogs can change physical sex from exposure to estrogen.
actually says a lot about our education system that it was ever contreversial. i'm a gen x'er and learned this in college biology.

He literally hosted a debate with Nick Fuentes on Israeli influence over the US. He didnt have to host that debate, he wanted to.
Nick did pretty badly btw

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Because he can be ignored when he says that the elites are controlled by lizard people and interdimensional demons. I always thought he was speaking in code.

>frogs are actually being turned gay?
this but unironically

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Greta is built for Big Black CO2 emissions.

Also imagine the Methane smell.

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Do you think he's "controlled opposition" in the sense that he knowingly works for them, or in the sense that he's simply saying useful things in a useful way, so they leave him alone and maybe even amplify his message?

The smartest thing AJ ever did was avoid explicitly naming the jews. The important thing was shedding a light on them and their secret activities, anyone with more than a couple brain cells knows who he’s referring to. But by playing it smart they can’t just smear him with the blanket anti semite label, they’re forced to try and deflect from the actual information he provides

I am pretty sure they could mislead or co opt Alex into another sandy hook situation. Further damaging the truth movement. I am glad he didn't say no kids died in Uvalde

this is all true.

She's due for the back eye treatment soon


He's blackmailed now.

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>The media denied the group existed and called him crazy.
many such cases

Yeah about that. Kikes kill for Saturn.

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He's a character whose purpose is to act crazy so he will be dismissed.
Also generally fails to mention that jewish saturation of these groups.

No one ever tried to kill Bill Cooper he would just lie and make shit up on the air.
The retard used to promote aliens and gave a seminar about how to build a flying saucer.

The guy evades his taxes and then brags about it live on radio then acts surprised when the IRS comes to arrest him for tax evasion? I can't imagine anything more retarded.

Kill yourself
Alex Jones is a great guy