Roman Shithouse

This is were the politics and philosophy were discussed. This is the Any Forums of Antiquity. We are just carrying on the tradition. I know you're probably shitting right now. I know I am.

Attached: public-toilet-in-Roman.jpg (1316x647, 167.89K)

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As I get older, I find more joy in shitting. It's the proudest moment of my day

I'm sure like modern bathrooms, ancient Romans got in and out of there as fast as they could, holding their breath and refusing to interact with anybody.

Good morning sirs. The world is my oyst- shithouse. My intellect can't be restricted to a puny brick box.

if that was the case. why is it so open?

They probably covered themselves while shitting. Back then they didn't have the technology to put a private bathroom in every apartment. Communal shithouses were extremely high-tech for the time.

>didn't have the technology to put a private bathroom in every apartment
Meanwhile Indus Valley Civilization had indoor plumbing and toilets 2000 years before Romans.

Attached: IVC.jpg (602x452, 73.24K)

I am definitely shitting right now.

Put me in the screen cap

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Original shitposters

>area for my cock and balls to hang, free from shitwater
we have lost much in 2000 years.

I could get over shitting in front of other shitting men, it's the communal shit cleaning sponge stick that would get to me.

Could I bring my own? Who would bring their own shit cleaning sponge stick to the designated shitting house? You'd get laughed at in the streets and your wife would get raped because nobody respected you for not using the communal shit cleaning sponge....

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I would gladly use the communal shit stick in exchange for ball and cock hanging space.

Its good for your immune system lad

>The xylospongium or tersorium, also known as sponge on a stick, was a hygienic utensil used by ancient Romans to wipe their anus after defecating,[1] consisting of a wooden stick (Greek: ξύλον, xylon) with a sea sponge (Greek: σπόγγος, spongos) fixed at one end.

The tersorium was shared by people using public latrines. To clean the sponge, they simply washed it in a bucket with water and salt or vinegar.[2] This became a breeding ground for bacteria, causing the spread of disease in the latrine.[3]

Looks like a modern American road.

Attached: RoadPatchRoad.jpg (640x853, 173.36K)

As I get older shitting gets more terrible. For the first time in my life at work I did not shit and it was the best day I’ve had in years

I drop a nice clean log once per day, usually right after work. Can't shit in public

Damn that's deep

Do you guys ever protest by moving the designated shitting street to in front of some globohomo area?
Steal the idea poop is your greatest strength.
I would die laughing if this happened.

That's a great idea. A designated shitting street in front of a Rothschild's bank.

Or take the annual public cow shit fight to their neighborhoods.

mobile scum

LOL imagine actually believing this. Indians are still squatting in the streets, wiping their asses with their hands if at all, and don't have running water in 2022.