Does the 2nd Amendment actually mean militia?

Does the 2nd Amendment actually mean militias can keep and bear arms? I hear democrats bring this up all the time but is that accurate? Also, in general, what is the correct way to interpret our constitution? Should we take it as literally as possible or does that cause its own issues? How is it interpreted currently? Hell who even is doing the interpretation? To me, the 2nd amendment was referring to the people who make up the militia which would then follow that a person could keep and bear arms because militias are naturally made up of regular people? They aren't standing armies? However so anti-gun people will say that the "militia" of today is the national guard. But isn't the national guard a part of our standing army?

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Its worded as people have the right to bear arms in order to form militias, as means of securing the country and self defense. Restrict the people from guns, restricts the militias.

Against threats both foegien and domestic

posting it for reference

Attached: 2A.jpg (1094x731, 111.31K)

It's pretty cut and dry. Very clear. The fact you're acting like it's confusing in any way gives you up, nigger.

please follow my train of thought here-
i also started asking myself the same question yesterday- So I went and looked up Oklahoma Militia Laws.

georgetown law came back with this:

aparently any militia has to be subject to the governor of the state....and then the rules just get more convoluted from there.

why Oklahoma Militia you might ask? image related.

Attached: A7C04FEC-2EDB-421B-8879-1F7440FF85BF.jpg (1600x1285, 305.71K)

The people must have guns so they can come together and overthrow tyrannical governments. Simple as.

He wasn't from Oklahoma

debating democrats on the constitution is pointless, they don't even care or believe in the document in the first place. why waste your time

A lot of people argue also "Well what does well regulated mean"? Honestly, I believe in the 2nd amendment through and through. You are right. It is very cut and dry. But I am trying to see why people think that it isn't.

All men of fighting age were suppose to be the militia. There was no need for a draft because the government was suppose to represent those men and so they'd be eager to defend it if necessary.

There's nothing esoteric about the Constitution. All you have to do is read what these men were saying in their public speeches and personal writings.

Because people are fucking retarded sheep that believe whatever the magic box in the wall says. Think about how dumb the average person was in your high school... now realize, that was every high school, and they're now out here... just as stupid, and voting


>But I am trying to see why people think that it isn't
Why can't you ask them then? I'll tell you why, because when you press them it always an emotional plea.

If the 2nd refers to a group of people it's the only amendment that does. The supreme court already ruled it's referring to individuals. The founders said the militia is made of up ALL male citizens within a certain age group. It's just automatic. You don't have to sign up or anything. It just means civilian military instead of regular troops. Hence the civilian military needs to be well regulated which our founders said meant disciplined and trained in the use of arms and having standardized equipment that was interchangeable. America has that because we all have weapons with interchangeable ammunition, a few standard calibers, NATO standards like the M855 round for the AR-15, and we all practice with them so we're ready to go. Hence we're militia. Irregular troops regulated enough to be called into service.

The second amendment protects your right as a civilain to own guns, keep them on you at all times, and train to be an effective militia.
People like to hyper focus on "well regulated" and "militia", because they're fucking stupid with terrible reading compression, or just malicious.

But the enforcement will always come from an exagerated event,

Is that not,consistantly, the same conclusion that is always drawn -and acted upon whenever there is a school shooting?

Over enforcement is always going to draw the same question concerning "a well regulated militia" and what that clause means in the 2nd.

I was simply trying to draw a straight line to the conclusion that Georgetown had elaborated to concerning "well regulated militia"

The democrats believe the constitution is a “living document”, a phrase which their brain dead followers think is deep. All the phrase means is that They can rewrite the constitution at will.

I'm just saying looking at Oklahoma law is irrelevant. He wasn't from Oklahoma, their larp militia wasn't from Oklahoma. They just targeted a building that happened to be in Oklahoma

That's not correct actually, the "militia" in question is actually the people, all private citizens of fighting age are implicitly part of the militia and "well regulated" means well equipped.

The idea was that private citizens should be secure in their right to own and bear anything the military can get so that they can be relied upon for defense if need be.

2a read properly means you should own warships, cannons and any other implement of war, as they did at the time.

The 2no amendment is for citizens to bear arms so that they can form militias, with a rather explicit intent that it’s meant to be against the government. The same people who tell you you don’t need an AR-15 laugh that you would be droned anyways. Take a hint and arm yourself.

ok tim pool

Really if only one thing public schools should require, according to the constitution, is some standardized training and discipline in the use of a variety of arms.

Looks like France embarrasses Australia again

Correct. And George Washington said it was the duty of the schools to train children in the Christian religion. And congress bought Bibles for that very purpose. For public schools. They don't teach that in history class either.

>Timothy McVeigh, in full Timothy James McVeigh, (born April 23, 1968, Pendleton, New York, U.S.—died June 11, 2001, Terre Haute, Indiana),
McVeigh wasnt from OK retard, he bombed that building because the feds incinerated children at WACO Texas.

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haha what cunt?
He is just verbatim typing out the tim pool talking points on 2A

checked and correct

Militia is an antonym to a professional army. So the militia is literally the armed citizen, which keeping and bearing arms is necessary to have