
Can we all agree that the world would be a better place without religion?

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the death of every human civilization that's ever existed has coincided with the destruction of the poetic wisdom that bound the society together

Seems to be working out for the west, to disregard religion.

So you're saying that if the black plague theoretically wiped out europe and therefore ended that human civilisation, the only reason that would have happened is because the people didn't believe in God?

Yes. Lets start with Judaism though, just in case it's not such a good idea. That way we'll know for sure

no, he is saying that without a religion then the civ destroys itself. doesnt need external forces like a plague to wipe it out.


No, never your cringe if you think that, look over history whenever people have turned against god it goes to shit until they finally realize we need him.

Yes, society has been infinitely more stable and wholesome since religion continues to be abolished.

What is control

How would it destroy itself? I'm going to assume you guys mean that the moral teachings of religion would stop violent acts within society - we do not need the bible to know that we shouldn't kill each other. Do you think before Moses got the Ten Commandments, everyone was killing, raping and stealing from each other for thousands of years prior? The answer is no. We wouldn't be alive today if that were the case. Also, religion causes a lot of turmoil within society. This can be seen in the documents leaked that exposed the overturning of Roe v. Wade. If overturned women would lose rights, there is no way something like that wouldn't create turmoil within a country.

I think we can all agree OP is a faggot.

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>Can we all agree that a world without reli--

Fucking fedora fuck.

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Without religion? No.
Without the Abrahamic faiths? Yes.


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If you are talking about religion as organized faith - yes.
However, it's a biological human universal to have faith in the supernatural.

It's a side effect of negroid psychopaths being everywhere and idiots following them.
You rarely see a small nosed person deeply involved in this sort of trash, except as a sucker.

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How am I a kike for wanting to get rid of the kike-based religions?

an illusion predicated by manipulation (in)corporeal, unto the furtherance of an end

Christianity is the Truth not a mere religion. Everything as prophesied in the Bible will happen whether people believe it or not. Christianity isn't a method of control but a calling to mankind to return back to God and be pardoned for their sins and the righteous punishment for those very same sins.

To those who are not saved; Know that the end is nigh and thus not much time remains. All who do not believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour are doomed to end up in the lake of fire and remain condemned. If you wish to avoid such a fate believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour for your Salvation and repent and He will deliver you from evil and save you from the everlasting lake of fire.

Also I suggest caution regarding other denominations that call themselves Christians. What my faith led me to is non-denominational Christianity but for you God might have a different plan so go where God leads you.

catholics beware as you are in danger of damnation:

Something worth watching if you have the time:

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What are you gonna replace it with you fucking burger? McDonalds?

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Okay, if you guys want to waste your life to possibly spend eternity with people like Ned Flanders then be my guest.

I would have to say yes, because nobody has truly been religious since the 19th century
America is one of the most religious countries in the world and is also a festering degenerate shithole

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>Can we all agree that the world would be a better place without religion?

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>the kike calls you kike as he kikes you

It's a feature, not a bug.
And what you offer instead of religion, is Shit.
You are Undesirable.

You didn't learn your lesson the first time, Lennon?

Is it possible that all prophets were intelligent sane people, but just high on drugs?
Why wouldn't God just reveal himself to everybody if he really wanted the whole world knowing something?
Why rely on undependable middlemen?

No. I personally am not religious, but the loss of a shared religion in the West has most certainly led to a total rejection of any unifying moral framework and thus a collapse into degradation, decadence and ultimate destruction. Just look at it.

world would surely be a better place without satanism :)

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A world without Judaism*

Good job Italian person, you wrote twenty words yet said nothing of value.
Also to anyone who believes in God because there is a chance he is real and a chance you'll go to Heaven, there are an estimated amount of 5000 gods created by humanity, meaning you really only have a 0.02% of believing the right one and not going to whatever Hell is real (if there even is one).
