What is he thinking Any Forums?

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>wish I spoke german

He probably turned his brain off by that point

Put that goddam phone down, you narcissistic asshole. I swear to god, you have the attention span of a gnat.

>I was told they like fried chicken, might have to send this one back

little bit of chicken fried

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He just took two strokes off his golf game, he doesn't think about anything.

>if you only knew how blacked things really are

Why did I buy dirt and raise a family just for this to happen?

Im going bankrupt buying grape drank

Having niglet grandchildren must be soul crushing. All the work you put into raising your kids just for them to reward you by monkeying up your lineage. If that happened to me I'd care more about random white kids on the street than I would my own grandkids.

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>I got conquered

>she sold out her ancestors for brownie points from ungrateful niggers

That's why I ended up supporting Biden lately.

No one cares about America's Grandpa. No one respects U.S. Veterans anymore.

Trump never really addressed the nigger problem.

But Old School Biden did - this is a biproduct of Interracial Schools/Jungles.


>this bitch eats chicken nuggets and french fries for every meal.

At least they're not racist

No one asked - keep it to yourself, female

>"Friends" he thought. "There could be friends around here". The Miller Light started rumbling in his beer belly at the thought of friends finding out that he has a nigger grandkid. He threw up a little in his mouth, giving him a quick taste of the Hungryman he chowed down last night.
>"I need to get out of here"

kill all jews

>this is what I fought for
No seriously they knew this is what they were fighting for and they kept fighting

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Blanda upp

Why is the food so God damn expensive, back in my day with 1$ I could buy food for the entire family

Hes an old christfaggot. You know he loves it. At least it wasnt a white pagan

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Na, he would be defencive about it saying he doesn't see race or shit like that like all boomers

that he was on wrong side at WW2

She looks just like her grandpa