Physics for black women

What will the future bring? What discoveries would a black woman make?
Should we listen to the opinion of black holes?

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>AT THE ENTRANCE to my lab’s clean room, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror: I look like a clown

>I just wanted to be a scientist, not a trailblazer. But in my field, people like me are anomalies—and we face constant scrutiny for our race and gender.

>AT THE ENTRANCE to my lab’s clean room, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror: I look like a clown. I’m drowning in a disposable coverall that hangs off of me in droopy folds, and my size 7½ feet are swallowed up by the smallest rubber boots the lab had on hand—a men’s size 12. The thick mass of curls framing my face only accentuates the caricature.

>Reaching for the box of hairnets perched on a nearby counter, I fish out a thin, papery cap with a sigh. How the hell is this going to fit over my fro? I flatten my roots and tie my hair into the tightest bun I can muscle. Stretched as far as it’ll go, the hairnet only covers the back of my head. I position another over my forehead and a third to straddle the middle. Has no physicist here ever been a woman or had to contend with hair like mine? With effort, I tug the hood of my coverall over the hairnets. The taut fabric rustles loudly in my ears as I open the door to join my peers.

>I am here, in a basement lab at the University of Chicago, to work on a small-scale particle detector that might help in the search for dark matter, the invisible glue that physicists believe holds the universe together. Dark matter emits no light and, as far as anyone can tell, doesn’t interact with ordinary matter in any familiar ways. But we know it exists from the way it influences the motions of the stars. The allure of dark matter is what inspired me to pursue a PhD in physics. But in more ways than one, I keep feeling like I just don’t fit.

>I had stumbled into physics as an undergrad at Duke University, my curiosity piqued after watching characters in Marvel’s Thor zip across the cosmos using something the film called an Einstein-Rosen bridge. Intent on knowing what that was, I went back to my dorm room to do some digging, ultimately signing up for an introductory astronomy elective.

Something to do with chicken.

>What will the future bring?
Science by raciss an sheeeiiiiiit. Voodoo qwangz be castin’ lightening spells n’ sheeeiiiiit. Western science be trippin’.

Some of them do have their own gravity.

More like the opposite of gravity. A repulsion field

Instead of focusing in science the dumb black sub 65 IQ retard is focusing on how she looks in the mirror, speaks for itself. Keep niggers out of high IQ white and and Asian men's fields

It was a weight/mass joke, cunt.

>muh MCU science

Title this Netflix show

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I got it you fucking knob
I was joking about nobody wanting them

>Another time, my adviser asked me to pose for a picture for his grant application. “Of course, I have other photos,” he said as he tossed me a wrench. “But it looks better if it’s a woman.”
Ah so that's how she got in

My real truthesses

>only size available was a mens size 12
Seems pretty unbelievable

Dark science

Imagine wasting your life looking for dark matter. She unironically should've become an accountant or something.

Black holes

Black holes don't emit any classical information, which is about right
Even the bits of quantum information in the form of Hawking radiation are highly scrambled
Anyway, physics as it exists in universities now is fucked, it's a dead major

The Beatles

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Black Holes: Race, Equity, and Struggle of Americas Hidden POC Scientists, A Journey

>Imagine wasting your life looking for dark matter.
She could just take a look in the mirror.

How is it a dead major? Was thinking about throwing some of my gme shekels towards an astrophysics or classical physics degree for shits and giggles.

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Me-science from a pawerful stronk blak woman!

Fullnigga Alchemists - Brotherhood.