Why are white americans like this?

>Drove to DC from Iowa to complain about gas prices

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That's about a 1000 mile drive. It looks like they could have really used the walk.

Here's a better question: why is every single fucking American fat or morbidly obese?

>morbidly obese
can you please use less problematic language so we don't stigmatize big folx?

gotta be 6 foot, 6 pack, 6 figures to slay those queens.

It really does seem close to about at least 85% of the people I see through my day. I ask myself this often lately. Everybody, fucking everybody is, not chubby, not fat, morbidly obese.

This damn country

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Even if they are fat and unsightly I think they're still good people and are typically friendly like Americans. But I wouldn't want to get too close to them (neither do they) and they very likely have soiled panties and smell like cheese.

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Theres your answer

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>Dress like children in the playground
>Extremely fat
>Greasy hair
>Absolutely no self-respect
This is unbelievable. I think, not even in my degenerate country would you ever see something like this.

Seems like they could save a lot of money by riding a bike. Might even add 20-30 years to their lives.

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Showering is bad for hair

Should have talked about healthy diets.

$2.24.9 a litre here, I dunno why there is a .9 but this shit is the highest I've ever seen

Three reasons:
1) We can afford to be. You are poor, you have no idea how wealthy Americans are among even their poorest families. Cars for every adult and most children over 15. Smart phones, computers, TVs and all the appropriate services to enjoy such and their subscriptions for every member of the family. Huge refrigirators, every type of cooking device (oven, stove, toaster, air fryer, microwave, and more), plus so many brands of sweet, salty, and spicy food. Guns, boats, pets, gaming computers, consoles, dvd libraries, music libraries, book libraries and sports equipment to meet your need or desire. Separate rooms for individual family members to get away, as needed (Man dens; porches; garages; attics; basements; gaming rooms; studies; laundry rooms, sun rooms, and more). The list goes on and on. Not all families have all of these but no family save the absolute poorest can claim to not have one of the above if not mulitple.
2) We do need to be thin. We have jobs that do not require us to be fit. We can be obese and still be the wealthiest nation on Earth. We have made it so. You, little cuck, can not understand the drive and power it took to get here.
3) It is better that we are. If we were fit, fighting weight and ready to go, we would declare Manifest Destiny to take over some other continent; maybe yours. We would do this just to kill you, fuck your women, take your land and spread out glory while destroying your history and shitting on all you ever built because it would be so pathetic compared to what we built with it after you were dust, enslaved or imprisoned in the worst land you used to own.

You want us fat and lazy. It gives you a chance to catch up.

Social decay

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Shit food with microplastics that obstruct the endocrine system.

Corn and soi are the foundation of the american diet

nigga everyone in the world consumes microplastics, Americans are uniquely fat. It's the food there, it's garbage. Everything is ultra processed.

And easily and frequently accessable long periods of stagnation.

The one on the right is a qt3.14

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