Does kittehs hav souls, Any Forums?

also iz caturday so poast ur kots ok plse i guess?

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yes, more than you

deks have moar soul

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A thread that feeds souls, meaning useful to the max.

No such things as slide threads kr else... kt all works out.

Release the cats.

not...all cats have toxo and burn in hell with satan


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Definitely has much more soul than all the antivaxxer schizo faggots everywhere on this cursed board

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Did you know ducks wag their tails like dogs when they're happy? I just learned this and it blew my mind

>the hocker 4chimes

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> does kittehs hav souls
I lost my nugget last year so I hopes so

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Dog is God inverted. Dog= Satan. This becomes obvious when we take a look at mythology where dogs are usually associated with the underworld/hell. We have Anubis in ancient Egypt and Cerbarus from ancient Greece. Felines on the other hand were said to attract all kinds of good fortune and were symbols of wealth, fertility and kingship.

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Some cats are very special. They can be used as hosts I think for higher dimmensional beings perhaps, or maybe they have some sort of other connection to the other side. One thing is for sure, of ymthey love you, and know tou are worth it, they will protect you from a lotnof really fucked up shot from the other side. I’m talking about demons and the like. The cats can see them too, they see them all the time. These are the bog reasons why the Egyptians worshipped cats so much. They are extremely powerful allies. But they will know if you are just using them for protection. They can see into your soul. They know what type of person you really are and if you are worthy of their protection. My last kitty Skittles banished some really fucked up forces from my house. And him, plus my two new kitties always keep a lookout outside my room and keep me safe. I keep them safe from the physical world, and they keep me safe from the spiritual world. This is done out of love, and is not a tit for tat(or maybe kit for kat) situation.

This user’s cat is one of those special kitties that are sent to help protect special people. I can tell just from this photo. He is still looking after this user, and eagerly awaits their reunion.

yes. cats come directly from god.

I think mines broken

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He’s just nipped out of his gourd. Get him into rehab pronto or he’s gonna end up dead or in the pound.

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Dogs will eat a slice of forbidden apple, cats will not. Dogs = women = Satan