Winter is coming

winter is coming

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мpaзя лятoтo, a тaя зимa мнoгo зaдници щe ocтaнaт нeoмити

cпepмa cпepмa мoчa гoвнo

Toys'я 'Us

Surprisingly i understood everything my gypsy brother

its june

two more weeks

europe is on the other side of earth so the seasons are reversed

ngl this be a real cringe mf in this b fr fr no cap

Just buy a fucking blanket.
We don't live in polar circle worst case scenario in the middle of winter is like -5°c, I didnt even use my heater this winter.
So cope harder Ivan.

I must inform you, that's not my problem.

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true I am going snowmobiling later today

Wise is the man who uses spring and summer to chop up some wood in case Russia/America/China/the Arabs decide they don't like us anymore because as EU we are dumb shits and unable to solve anything ourselves.

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crazy how it be like that

Let me guess, great shaman rasputin said that in two more weeks a new ice age will begin and that europe will freeze to death.

Trust ze plan z

Lmao, so effen sinister, the pic.

By winter the countries that needs it should had started buying oil from Nigeria.

The funny thing is at that point the EU will have less need to switch back to Russian oil again after the war. Russia is screwing itself over in the long run like this.

smartest american specimen

>*laughs in chimney*

>heh heh, we're going to sanction Russia into the middle ages!

shhh dont tell everyone! youre not taking our snow

I am going to buy wool and learn how to knitt a sweater

I lost

Also bad thread, I condemn