Targeted Individual general

How many people here are aware of targeted individuals? The cias DARPA directed energy weapon mk ultra abuse of American citizens. They use 5g towers and microwaves to torture and abuse the innocent it's a lot of the mystique surrounding these pedophiles comes from the can torture and abuse you from anywhere. If your officially attacked they can gangstalk and abuse you to death and even kill you remotely it's terrifying.

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Other urls found in this thread:{"ship_from":"","sku_id":"12000024699701408"}&scm=1007.35156.272721.0&scm_id=1007.35156.272721.0&scm-url=1007.35156.272721.0&pvid=fadcb22b-bc9f-47ea-9b37-007525c526cd&utparam=%7B%22process_id%22%3A%22401%22%2C%22pvid%22%3A%22fadcb22b-bc9f-47ea-9b37-007525c526cd%22%2C%22belongs%22%3A%5B%7B%22floor_id%22%3A%2223106494%22%2C%22id%22%3A%22887012%22%2C%22type%22%3A%22dataset%22%7D%2C%7B%22id_list%22%3A%5B%221000036796%22%5D%2C%22type%22%3A%22gbrain%22%7D%5D%2C%22pageSize%22%3A%2210%22%2C%22language%22%3A%22en%22%2C%22scm%22%3A%221007.35156.272721.0%22%2C%22countryId%22%3A%22US%22%2C%22tpp_buckets%22%3A%2221669%230%23265320%2386_21669%234190%2319164%23666_null%22%2C%22x_object_id%22%3A%221005003215648986%22%7D&_t=%2Cscm-url%3A1007.35156.272721.0%2Cpvid%3Afadcb22b-bc9f-47ea-9b37-007525c526cd&pdp_npi=2@dis!USD!US $179.00!US $179.00!!!!!@210312cf16549156648768672e8da3!12000024699701408!gdf&gatewayAdapt=Pc2Msite

I can wipe my own ass!

I find it funny here we are talking about basic politics when the Pentagon can literally perform mk ultra and scry memories from guns on towers.

Attached: young-overweight-fat-woman-girl-on-a-diet-eating-an-apple-blonde-hair-B1EG4F.jpg (863x1390, 98.14K)

What's so terrifying about it?
One day we were born here, one day we will leave.

Diversion schill likely.

They have microwave guns that can kill you from the sky and mind torture you to death it's all this board should be focused on many anons an unknowingly or knowingly targeted.

Same diversion schill.

I mean I feel like I’m targeted but also feel like someone has by back.

God has your back. NO man can dissuade honorable men from living freely.

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Shill, it's shill. Faggot nigger.

Just wanna give a shout out to my personal glownigger.
Remember always that you are an eggless roastie dog mom with a vagina like a catcher's mitt and an asshole like a spokeless bike wheel.
Oh wait you're not even a dog mom anymore becasue your cuckold detective ex boyfriend took it from you becasue you have the maternal instinct of a death row convict lmao.
Savor the memory of my fat cock and die.

Attached: 1596002071716.png (640x1138, 780.76K)

Can be a multitude of factors one party erodes while the other attacks could be it.{"ship_from":"","sku_id":"12000024699701408"}&scm=1007.35156.272721.0&scm_id=1007.35156.272721.0&scm-url=1007.35156.272721.0&pvid=fadcb22b-bc9f-47ea-9b37-007525c526cd&utparam=%7B%22process_id%22%3A%22401%22%2C%22pvid%22%3A%22fadcb22b-bc9f-47ea-9b37-007525c526cd%22%2C%22belongs%22%3A%5B%7B%22floor_id%22%3A%2223106494%22%2C%22id%22%3A%22887012%22%2C%22type%22%3A%22dataset%22%7D%2C%7B%22id_list%22%3A%5B%221000036796%22%5D%2C%22type%22%3A%22gbrain%22%7D%5D%2C%22pageSize%22%3A%2210%22%2C%22language%22%3A%22en%22%2C%22scm%22%3A%221007.35156.272721.0%22%2C%22countryId%22%3A%22US%22%2C%22tpp_buckets%22%3A%2221669%230%23265320%2386_21669%234190%2319164%23666_null%22%2C%22x_object_id%22%3A%221005003215648986%22%7D&_t=%2Cscm-url%3A1007.35156.272721.0%2Cpvid%3Afadcb22b-bc9f-47ea-9b37-007525c526cd&pdp_npi=2@dis!USD!US $179.00!US $179.00!!!!!@210312cf16549156648768672e8da3!12000024699701408!gdf&gatewayAdapt=Pc2Msite

This can help there are better but very expensive.

But likely this my apologies.

>Counter V2K division
Reporting in!
Just stop playing their game and start your own, do your will and you will make them "listen"

I just identify capture, torture and kill them in my basement. It takes a while to get them to confess , I always tell them admit you are stalking me and I will stop torturing you and let you go, but I never do I always kill them

Ever been to the local gas station at 3 am with only three empty cars in the parking lot? Only other person there is the guy working the register and then when you go in a group of people follow in behind you while one simply stands next to you as you're getting your stuff out of the fridge, another is pretending to look for something, and two go straight to the cash register despite nobody being inside any of the three cars parked outside? Then when you pay for your stuff they follow you and get in their cars and drive off having purchased nothing?

Gangstalking tactic they are remote manipulating those people.

This is something they can do as I have even used a stranger to communicate with them in the past. Like giving one word answers through them and I even did the same to prove a point. People that are intoxicated are more easily manipulated as well.

He'd blurt out their answers and my one word answers as if he wasn't aware as he was shuffling through his stuff

Time for bed guys, you have lots of work to do tomorrow.

You don't get to experience it because you're nobody of worth. They simply don't consider you a threat

What a fucking based thread.

Attached: 5gmindcontrol.png (1879x867, 641.6K)

Jesus christ i hope you are targetted for an oven

>They have microwave guns that can kill you from the sky and mind torture you to death it's all this board should be focused on many anons an unknowingly or knowingly targeted.
This. People should be obsessed with this shit. It is an invisible slow-kill.

Attached: healthguidelinesvsreallife.png (728x643, 473.38K)