Why does weed have no effect on normies?

Why does weed have no effect on normies?
Be me smoke one joint
Hallucinate for the rest of the day

Normie smoked
Active and function the rest of the day

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Tolerance is a thing, and most people are so stupid there's not much difference from sober to high.

think you smoked sage

Weed does not make you hallucinate you're confounding letting your imagination run wild with actual hallucinations.

It is advised that those with mental disorders refrain from consuming cannabis.

You're hallucinating because you're dying spiritually when you smoke weed and normies don't because their souls are already destroyed. They probably won't reincarnate.

I know a guy who binged acid every weekend and he lined up for his vaccines with no hesitancy.

You have virgin lungs. I have to do 7grams of mushrooms to feel anything magical. Weed doesn't do shit anymore

Almost constantly high to some degree and also the most intelligent man on this board, not sure what to tell you

Weed doesn't make you hallucinate. I think you're smoking Salvia bud.


Well fucking hell, now I'm wondering if I greened out or if my asshole old friends put salvia in my bowl during one of my first times.

i guess thats why they say it causes schizophrenia in some people

Oh look, it's this picture of the most retarded joint in the world again. I'm looking forward to seeing it posted again next week.

>people that react to things differently than me are normies

Those normies are like a shadow of their former selves. No soul. Just memories acting out the programming in the mind. It's why most of them will feel relief just before they die but miscorrelate the relief with preconditioned programming about what it's supposed to mean. It's because what little of their soul was left attached to their body falls from the spiritual suffering they have endured their entire lives from self-harm. They express happiness and a sense of calm but that's just programming speaking and the soul that was in the husk was dead long ago.

Catches up to you eventually unfortunately. You don’t realize all the stuff it makes you forget over time

Just get a one-hitter, user.

Smoking weed does not make you hallucinate.

Edibles can cause MILD hallucinations like light tracers, blurred vision, and “skipping” effect that looks like lagging in a video game.

probably because most "normies" arent 90lbs schizophrenics

I smoke or eat weed everyday and most nights I encounter ethereal entities. it's fun and I feel like I am gaining control over my anxiety and gaining a little bit of what people would call magical powers. reminder to seek the divine and worship the good Gods and God, and to always be wary of unknown spirits and their intentions. also I'm just not gonna take it (the vaccine).

Makes me fucking hungry and my brain goes crazy. I like alcohol better because I can escape the noise for a minute.

>Hallucinate for the rest of the day
idk what u smoked bro but weed doesn't make you hallucinate

Possibly. That happened to one of my friends. They pranked him like that.

You're honestly better giving up the drugs and doing something that builds the soul up like sober meditation.

I have bipolar and I hallucinate on it.

I must add that I usually only encounter entities after I eat my edibles

Jeez lol talk about a prank. I mean I couldn't see anything out of my eyes for 5 minutes and I was seeing cubes and shapes and shit. Salvia doesn't last that long afaik.

weed sucks, better than alcohol but all i feel is paranoia now and the overwhelming feeling of doom from all this jew fuckery going on and so many compliance normies especially in the 'industry' fuck drugs, stay sober Any Forums, trust me. If you absolutely must, grow it yourself.

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That sounds like a Salvia trip. You broke through

weed is illegal you pedo

Same. I play games like civ 6 very well when totally smashed too. It's weird. I thought weed would do that but I can't get through turn 1 when high

Cannabis and other psychedelics have this effect.
One person takes them and enjoys how weird videos games look, another takes them and communicates telepathically with the archetype of ancestors in the 5th dimension.
Society keeps psychedelics "sort of" illegal.
There are plenty of legal ways to acquire them that it's functionally legal if you're not an idiot, and care for the fact that it's technically illegal.

thats salvia bro. and it doesnt last that long. Weed is a mild hallucigen but not like salvia is, salvia makes you see shit. Its also a shitty high, as in not enjoyable at all really.

It's a mild hallucinogen
I used to smoke and it was chill, then I got into meditation/esptericosm and NOW it causes schizo symptoms so I don't touch it anymore

I don't think it's for people "awake"

>Be me smoke one joint
>Hallucinate for the rest of the day
its more intense for people with asperger's syndrome and can easily overload their senses

Nope. Weed does not make you hallucinate and everyone claiming it does is a liar.

Weed that you grow yourself doesnt have any gypsy chemicals that they put on the dispensary weed. Grow your own Sativa blend and see what its like not being retarded from the weird chemicals globohomo puts in the weed.

the schizo symptoms are the fun part

8mg PCP in my nose
Damn this is nice. Who needs booze when dissos keep the cold out

>then I got into meditation/esptericosm and NOW it causes schizo symptoms
you invited demons

That's not true retard. People with psychotic disorders can. I have bipolar and hear voices when I do it.

Well fuck I had a suspicion that I wasn't just greening out. This was like my third time smoking weed at the time. What fucking niggers for doing that lol. It wasn't the most terrible high in the world but I wouldn't do it again.

Think you're just a bitch who can't handle it

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It just slows me waaaaay down. I feel like they're deep thoughts but in reality it's just an energy shift to a slower rate and I become literally useless. Eating at this energy rate is fantastic, however.

It's a mindset thing.
You have to know how to let go and ride the tide.
If you try to break away from the high you will fail and you will panic.

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*mild psychedelic

when you smoke all day every day your body adjusts to it and you stop being retard high when you smoke.