Hey Any Forums, I've found my way back to reading the Bible. Coming from someone of ignorance...

Hey Any Forums, I've found my way back to reading the Bible. Coming from someone of ignorance, I want to learn and become educated to better impact my decision making in the future. I read a lot of hatred towards Jews and I want to understand and assimilate knowledge for myself on this matter. What are the most beneficial books within the anthology to understand this? Where can I start on the relations between God and races?

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God and races like human races?

Or you want to understand why some christians hate jews specifically?

I suppose want to understand where this animosity originates, and what drives some Christians (and others) to say the things they do. I have a friend who is a Jew, but a converted Christian. He is primarily the reason I am back into reading the Bible. Is this hate extended to all Jews? I don't want to hate anyone.

Sorry if I am being vague.

Well that's odd since the Bible is amost antisemitic book

I understand. I don't hate jews or anyone else either. Let me try to explain

Typically, the christians here point to a phrase in revelations, where Jesus calls out "those who say they are the jews, but are not. They are the synagogue of satan"

The first thing to note here,
Revelations is a prophecy. It's not something he actually said.

Another thing they usually say is that he is talking about the pharisees. Another group of jews he was basically competing with. They believe this would of included all jews today, since modern branches of Judaism come from rabbinical judaism which the pharisees practiced

It's also important to note here that one of Jesus's closest disciples was a pharisee. He would not hate all of them by default even if he actually says that. He makes it clear later in revelations, that he wants everyone to accept him. He's not back just to punish people.

On why the pharisees wanted to kill him. He was subverting judaism. I love Jesus. He's my savior, but the original foundations of religion are to create a shared morality and legal system. From hammurabis code to the ten commandments. He was changing the morality of the people. They were afraid of this. Afraid of how he was changing society.

Also important to remember. Jesus WAS a jew. He celebrated passover. Read the Torah. You get the idea.

I have an old Gideon's I stole from a hotel years back. NT and psalms. Made my way through the gospels and just starting Acts.

The word 'jew' in English only correctly means Judean, as in a person from Judah.
Begin to understand the differences between Hebrews, Israelites, Judeans, Edomites, etc. and you may begin to understand some of the animosity for those that today call themselves 'jews'.

Go to biblehub.com and read the commentary from Ellicot.

Hatred for the Jews as a race is unfounded. They messed up their chance when Jesus was here. But they will get another chance.

Conflating what a Jew was at the time Jesus lived with what a Jew is now is either completely fucking ignorant or deliberately deceptive. The Talmud is the focal point of modern Judaism and the earliest portions of it weren't even written down until decades after Jesus was crucified. More was added to it several hundred years later.

Kill yourself jew worshipper

This is called a christian identitarian. He believes the Israelites are the precursors to modern europeans, and that the Jews today are edomites/hittites or whatever.

This goes directly against the words and teachings of Jesus who formed a new covenant with his followers no matter who they were as long as they believed in him. They are deeply un christian, and deeply stubborn

Every book in the Bible was written by ethnic Jews. Here’s a quote from the guy who wrote the New Testament

> Then Paul said, “I am a Jew, born in Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, and I was brought up and educated here in Jerusalem under Gamaliel. As his student, I was carefully trained in our Jewish laws and customs. I became very zealous to honor God in everything I did, just like all of you today
>acts 22:3

Read up on the Pharisees and the Sadducees.
Why Jesus called them the synagogue of Satan (putting earthly traditions above God's and ignoring the spirit of the law and only following the letter which led to loopholes).
How all modern Jewry (Orthodox, Reform, Conservative) stems from the Pharisaical line except for Karaites.
How Jews today blame the Roman's for Jesus's death instead of themselves when in the Bible they literally say "His blood be on us and our children" while Pontius Pilate washed his hands of the matter and said I am innocent of what happens to this man as he gave him up to the crowd (Matthew 27:24).
As Christians we are called to love our enemies and patiently try to bring modern Jews into the Christian fold. We do not compromise on truth while doing so.
Modern Jews control almost every institution in America that has an influence on culture and finance. They use this power to force immorality upon the nation and this is where you see most of the hate come into play directed at them. By promoting degeneracy and sin, they continue to fulfill Jesus's first charge, that they are the synagogue of Satan, rather than the synagogue of God. They originally were meant to be a priesthood to the nations, set apart, and bring blessings upon the rest of the world. Now Satan has inverted this for them to be a curse to the world and turn God's people into his people. They are essentially a proxy in a war of God vs Satan.

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This is christcuck cope and has no more legitimacy than niggers saying they wuz kangz

This is another christian identitarian. They are all white supremacists. It's very common to see them here, and honestly, this a poor place to discuss the bible or antisemitism

They are christians, but have been warped by propaganda into necessitating christian identitarian beliefs

this is called a dishonest kike putting words into someone else's mouth

you also noticeably did nothing to refute anything in my first post

We’re mainly talking about the Ashkenazi, you stupid fuck. Hebrews were taken into captivity in Babylon, there they mixed with Canaanites and adopted the Babylonian Talmud. The Talmud is a litigious document. After the Romans expelled the jews, some found their way north into the Khazar Khaganate, a completely non-semitic not Hebrew people who had nothing all to do with ancient Israelites. These people adopted the new form of Judaism that placed the Talmud about the Torah. The Talmud twisted and perverted the ways of the Hebrews.

That is who we hate. Sephardics, too, but to a much lesser extent because although they follow Talmudic Judaism they are much leas devious.

Try doing some fucking research instead of talking out of your ass.

>the guy who wrote the New Testament
this is the level of ignorance commonly seen in people who attack scripture
t. kike with no argument

My refutation is Jesus made it clear his new covenant was with his followers. It dosen't matter who was who. What matters is belief in christ.

There it is. People like you who call Jesus a jew as if that equates him with the jews of today should all kill yourselves. You’re either a liar or just too ignorant to live.

Yeah it is probably a little odd lol but I'm a total noob starting from the beginning with reading.

Okay a lot of points you have replied with I appreciate the response. Others on here have also provided much information and I am also grateful for that.

I've been lurking here for years and am fully aware of how friendly everyone is coupled with the general affection and acceptance of Jews in media etc lol. It's good to hear the thoughts of others

So then you believe christ's new covenant was only for white europeans?

Not a problem. Just watch out for the christian identitarians.