If america is dead and china the new world superpower then why are chinks still trying to get into the US?

if america is dead and china the new world superpower then why are chinks still trying to get into the US?

Attached: FU5Q8adX0AIls0Q.jpg (597x559, 108.38K)

that's a taiwanese

Attached: FU5Q8adX0AIls0Q.jpg (325x546, 42.16K)

Nuke Beijing. Problem solved.

I thought Taiwan was part of China?

Chinks (whether they are Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Gook or Flip) all have an inferiority complex to the white race.

Even if they have become powerful and successful, psychologically they are no different than docile sheep who are subservient to their natural master. This is why they are a slave race and are not a threat, even in the day when their armed forces are triple that of ours.

Genghis Khan and his 100,000 warriors conquered the whole entirety of China (which totalled around 100 million at the time).

Same race, same insect mentality. One is a good subservient goy and the other one (mainlander) is being disobedient, for now. Give the mainlander enough money or validation and they too will turn and succumb to pressure.

The chink (regardless of nationality) is incapable of greatness.

its their rejects. being exiled to north america is pretty bad. you either are a race traitor or committed a crime

not a joke they cant get any to willingly come to america anymore even when the united states begs. they pretty much just send lower level criminals now days

It should be $20,000 dollarydoos

America apparently will win. China's fertility rate is ulterly fucked up and the problem roots in so many different aspects (feminism, house price, gender war etc) and nearly impossible to fix.

The industrial chain is leaving China due to America's disconnect with China policy but China cannot grow enough high tect compies to replace the world factory (only a few succeed like DJI). The situtaion is like the shortage of young factory workers is nigh but China cannot grow into a high tech country like Japan. (due to genetics, real estate bubble, Americans' foriegn policy. You can check how Huawei died.)

However it is not a win for average Americans too (the European ones). Cause they will be further replaced and demonized in their home nation.

The only winners will be Jews and their wives black bull (all other race die out due to low fertility rate or replacement). The final state of human civilization aka the Blacked Jews stage will start

Hint: the lower the fertility rate the better. If countries like Japan /China can't quit soon enough then the blacked wave will come. (Africa population bloom + Black worship in the West)

They're both turning to shit, but America is just turning to shit faster. China, as the world's factory cannot escape the effects of western consumer recession.

Here is one example of Vincent Chang giving his subhuman, yet pessemistic opinion of his situation. You see the Chinaman is incapable of greatness, it isn't in his DNA. An obedient golem in the true sense of the word. Their women know this, which is why Asian girls are so unfaithful to their own men.

Now this is a much more accurate description. The high point of American civil society was actually back in 1945. Immigration past this point has only made America progressively worse.

Both America and China have already lost, and both are losing demographically.

That is one punchable face

My opinion is derived from the reality. I get to the conclusion because I see things like the election was stolen but Americans never did a shit about it. Therefore I get the blackpill. This world is as 'obedient', 'pessemistic' as me.

In fact I am not real pessemistic. I visit France etc 2 times a year to collect all their information and culture print and I even take part in a group of people who actively preserve all the information before the collapse happen. With all the recording + DNA information people can get from 23andme, Ancestry etc, things can be restored in far future, like on a remote planet or metaverse. In this iteration of simulation I didn't see any hope.

Did you see your average countrymen capable of waking up before becoming the demographical minority?

The New World used to be a such shithole wasteland, yet the European powers dived into it one after the other.

I do believe that civilization has seasons. No civilization lasts forever. Atlastis fell, Rome fell, and the great Indian and Chinese empires fell. Today, the current global civilization, Western (white) civilization is collapsing, and taking everyone else down with it.

The utilitarian nature of Western civilization is its greatest enemy. Utilitarianism breeds nothing more than weakness in every subsequent generation until that culture ends up committing suicide. China does not need to do anything, nor does India or Russia. The West will do it to itself.

social security fraud

>chinese city literally called chongching city

the chinks will inevitably implode. we're all fucked when they do

>do believe that civilization has seasons. No civilization lasts forever

Yeah sure. One civilization fail and another one succeed it due to its great quality so that overall the human civilization improves. (Roman -> Germanic tribes or Europe -> America).

However now we get to a point where the natural selection system totally fails. The next successors get all their shit not because of effort and quality, but from Affirmative actions. And the guys who perform the worst will get the most pandering and credits. It happens on personal level too. The father role in family collapsed. It is not the careful capable dudes who can pass down their genes. It is now the drag dealers & 2 digit IQ 'Chads' who never consider the child support plan are reproducing. (In the country level it appears as the shithole countries get population bloom while advanced countries shrink and replaced)

I never see how the world are not going to shit.

With the replacement going more and more money will be spent on all forms of 'babysitting' and 'affirmative action' and space explore etc will die off. The entropy of this planet and speices will increase to break point and bring everybody back to stoneage. (Imagine the African AA politicans control all the nuke codes. You can imagine your white house new speakwoman as an example)