How did she become so popular and well-known?

How did she become so popular and well-known?

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Who is it?

because she has big tits and thats all

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She sucked my dick I am bernie sanders

She gets a lot of attention from right wing media attacks.

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Literally who

Wow wow!!!!!! CHUDS UNITE

She's pretty and says the things they want said.

manufactured consent

Bernie Sanders, and also boobs

Because you keep giving her attention moron

She's better looking and younger than the average congressman.

She has connections.

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that explains the milkers

>hates Elon Musk
>drives a Tesla

I can’t even simp for this bitch as a joke anymore.

yeah if she didn't have the mammary glands she would be another dumb beaner politician like this disgusting cunt

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Jeez it's a mystery...

I wanna titifuck her so bad anons

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Kek no, you are not popular AoC. I know the small numbers of a thousand retards following confuses you into thinking you are important but you're not. Only idiots (which you definitely are) are fooled by big numbers taken out of scale kek.
Remember to bring ur sage to the party anons.

>a) big tits
>b) donkey teeth
>c) she was so unbelievably retarded that the right latched on to her and the left had to double, triple and quadruple down and promote her aggressively

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are you this fucking dumb? she was selected and promoted from the start. “popular and well known” means featured on all media channels, and who owns them?

think for one fucking second, would you?


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Spewing socialist progressive ideologies and being a pathetic social pariah

CIA asset she was in some program or other who fucking cares

She has the best deepfakes in the Congress

By being despised, attractive, and young. Essentially the same reasons for why Kim Kardashian became such an icon. It's because of cultural rot imho