Stop lumping gay people with the activists

99% of gay guys don't want straight people in gay bars, let alone children. Blame the moms who thought it was a good idea to introduce their child to drag shows.
Regarding the corporate pandering during pride month, gay people are the first to make fun of it, we don't want the stupid ads

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It's your mess you clean it up.

Homophobia doesn't exist. The visceral reaction heterosexuals have regarding homosexuals is Not fear. It is righteous disgust and outrage that something so vile as a faggot (pedophile) exists at all. Being disgusted by faggots (pedophiles) is totally based and red pilled. You faggots just use the term homophobia to make your weak selves feel powerful, when in reality you are weak hedonists. Weak in body and weak in mind. You faggots deserve to die and should all be thrown off of multistory buildings into traffic to protect children from your predatory, pedophile ways.

That's disgusting

You having this saved says a lot about you

That's so hot

If you willing get cum up your ass or cum in an ass, you're subhuman, simple as.

He saved it in his "retaliation" folder. relax.

Ive seen hillbillies more degenerate then the average faggot.

Shut up frocio. You are a child fucker and that s it. We don t care.

Kindly eat shit and die. Where were your gay "people" when your fucking activists were pulling dicks out in front of minors in a fucking pride parade?!
Certainly not putting their hand in to stop them!!!

This. All froci are the same.

Fuck off faggot. Stop molesting children and spreading aids

Gay people need to police their own culture and make a stand against this degeneracy. Even feminists are capable of doing this, hence the label "TERF." Imagine being outdone by women.

This sounds like a projection. I'm not attracted to hairless small cute feminine humans aka women and children, I'm attracted to grown men that are the exact opposite of those things.

Take a sgetti in your culo

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groomers gotta groom

Exactly, this is why gayness should probably become illegal again

first of all, that memeflag means you're not a cool guy who happens to like men. you're a faggot tool. second of all, you might not subscribe to all the dystopic left's mind-disease, but the dystopic left mind-disease sure subscribes to you, and you're *useful* (because you won't keep your faggot shit private).

>blame the idiots who were invited not the groomers who organized, hosted, encouraged, and performed
everyone involved besides the kids should be executed