Why are you guys always so perpetually angry?

Why are you guys always so perpetually angry?

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Why aren't you?

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Black people wont invite me to the cookout.
Only fat chicks want to date me.
Im poor and get degeneracy shoved into my face.
Videogames are stuck in 2017

You've never had a day of happiness in your life

I'm not always angry. But when I am, I go to Any Forums and shitpost.

I'm not angry, I'm just pretending to be the same as you guys or else you'll bully me

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This is not true. Most Any Forums users are happy go lucky normalfags with friends irl. They all deserve to fucking die.


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Ever think that people who come here probably just come here to vent since expressing a deviant opinion in public, even in jest, is enough to go to jail these days?

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lol same

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I'm not. Speaking the unfiltered truth doesn't make you angry. In fact i find the state of the world quite humorous.

What reasons would I have to be happy?

you have to find that answer for yourself dipshit, someone can't tell you why to be happy.


It's what no pussy do to a mf.

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Because 1pbtid people with memeflags keep making slide threads

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Indeed, this makes sense my pasta nigger.

>are you guys always so perpetually angry?


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Same, dont tell anyone.

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And don't you forget it inferior countries, or I'll bully you

Jk love you bb kiss kiss xoxo


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I'm never actually angry, I'm completely deadpan typing on the internet.

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