Massive protests are going to start tomorrow in Chicago, D.C. and NYC over “gun control”

David Hogg is going to pigout tommorow


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i love how this kid fades in and out of obscurity based on how many kids die. imagine having your relevance tied to such a thing

So they took all human rights from mutts, stole elections, made them live in a hell for years with niggers and lgbt, and as a last slap in the face they will take their guns (as last!) so they can proove how useless they were from the beggining in your hands.

the left seems pretty split on this issue with the most hardcore progressive being staunch 2A supporters. could this be the beginning of the left fracturing itself?

Kek I never thought of it like that

Niggers and antifa only riot when they receive top-down instructions to do so. Nothing will happen unless they get that signal and I don’t see why they would given that They are in control now. 2020 was destabilization before the color revolution in classic CIA style. You don’t destabilize after you’ve taken over a country.

lol way to take an anti abortion movement slogean and plagiarize it like dollar store crayons

>be hogg
>laying in bed
>el goblina atrocidad bursts into room
>david! theres been a school shooting! quick get up!
>It's vaccination day!!!!!!!


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Hogg is the Zoomer's MLK he's changing this nation for the better and turning the page on this long horrid history of gun violence

> the most hardcore progressive being staunch 2A supporters
What is it like to live in bizarro world? Is your blue my red?

whats a pigout?

Ur a funny Chang. You spend all day heat viewing the catalog by creation and post some version of this same post in every thread. Whatever it takes to afford your energy bill I suppose.

no streams showing them getting ready its fake i guess dont believe real

Wrong , MLK could get laid.


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He means antifa/john brown cells.

The left demands gun control while setting up massive secret arms caches for their militias.

> Hogg is the Zoomer's MLK
Yikes. Racial appropriation is racist and uncool. Be better chud.

>it's a school shooting day!

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>David Hogg
You mean Adam Lanza?

So they DONT support the 2nd amendment the !

They could have groomed a more appealing kid for this gig. Everything about him is just off-putting.

Chang, really that's all you can do?
I guess your spirit is broken as your buck kekkeke

By "massive" do you actually mean "a couple hundred people that the media will tightly zoom-in on and pretend is 6 million"?

>After "assault rifles"(A fucking meme term) are banned
Aw gee those pistols are mighty dangerous.

Forgot the quotations, but the point still stands that this is very slippery slope.

The left stepping up again. Meanwhile right wingers wank off online.

> kekkeke
Yeah Asians always fake laugh too. It’s a face saving thing.

Some of them do. The tankie/john brown larpers.
That was user's point

50,000 are expected to attend tomorrow
Whatever you call his “activism”

You mean long history of nigger violence. Ftfy. Guns aren’t going anywhere you may as well try to ban burgers.

They support having guns, not them being legal and a constotutional right for all. Same as the military and police.


usa no

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>fades in and out of obscurity based on how many kids die
imaginary kids

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I've said it before and I'll say it again about David Hogg:

You have to be a real piece of shit to use the bodies of your dead classmates as a springboard into a media career.

Seems he will fit perfectly in with all the other Satanists controlling Weimerica