Zogbot police stations destroyed

>zogbot police stations destroyed
>goyslop fast food restaurants destroyed
>corporate retail stores get their overpriced consoomer shit cleared out
>petite bourgeoisie boomerkike ~~small businesses~~ destroyed
>whites living in wealthy suburbs told "soiboy libtard" city whites to go fuck themselves in the face of urban violence but the second when blacks and antifa descended upon the suburbs they changed their tune to "uh, w-white unity y'all!" revealing how spineless, selfish and cowardly that middle class/upper middle class whites are
>makes the orange kike president look like a pussy as he hid in his bunker and tweeted "LAW AND ORDER" while doing nothing but saving his own skin, which partly caused his losing in the election that year
There was nothing wrong with the 2020 riots.

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>We lost that means we won
lel classic pol


I was never on Any Forums's side

we should hide bananas in all retail chains

So you're a rightwinger?

Falling on deaf ears. 90% of the humans left on Any Forums are members of the class that gave us such hits as the CIA and autogynephilia.

nobody came to my suburb in Massachusetts like 20 minutes outside, you transexuals know how to gaslight and spin a fiction. No lifes.

No, and Any Forums is actually very right wing. Just ask the average poltard what they think about universal healthcare. They'll call you a communist jew for even asking about it

>universal healthcare
I hope you die of pancreatitis cancer, I want nothing but the worse for you....too starve, get picked by the nigger vultures

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Thanks for proving my point

I don't care, you have made no point.

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Fuck you Niggers! What have you contributed? Did you even know then meaning of labor? Of course not you fucking WELFARE PAVEMENT APES!

Are you proud you fucking leech? My countrymen are slaving away in the burgerland while you fucking niggers are parasites on welfare, doing drugs and contributing nothing good to the society.



Niggers to ovens.

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So here you gloat that you're going to kill all leftists, communists, socialists, liberals whatever, but then when someone actually goes out and kills people you have been railing against for years, you fags go into damage control mode saying "AYO WE DINDU NUFFIN THAT WUZ DA FEDS NIGGA"
My point is you fags will shut down discussion of anything that helps anyone except the military or israel or corporate kikes (yes, this includes rich whites).

>black don't crack
das wite

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I'd just like to take this moment to remind any lurkers that 80% of Any Forums is bots. Of the remaining 20%, 19% is probably feds, which is why they hate riots. The next time there are riots in this country, the nation rightfully ends. Good fucking riddance to bad garbage.

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Almost every single instance of niggers and antifa faggots leaving their cage in the city was met with immediate resistance

So are you a bot? Or ....

I am the 1% lol

>black user here

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When did I say that I was black? I just think that blacks actually have a backbone when it comes to standing up for their themselves compared to whites, who just putter about their wagie jobs and watch the sportsball and get mad over internet fights over what anime is the best