Retardpublicans be like "at least per capita gun deaths are lower than some other shitholes"

retardpublicans be like "at least per capita gun deaths are lower than some other shitholes"

Attached: Big Red Retard and gun violence.jpg (1806x1223, 288.22K)

Jews btfo by Kane. Kek.

Do by race

>Glen Jacobs

Holy based!

show me the one that doesn't count gun suicides and we'll talk

>Only non-hispanic country on the entire list

We did it, Eswatini bros

look at Australia
Their citizens don't have guns and they are all completely safe and happy.

another name for a donkey is a jack ass

More like
>Niggs noggin ain't our problem

Cowards should do per capita gun deaths by race.

stop being such a faggot
no one would even care if you were killed

Nobody gives two shits about your "firearm death rate."

>Let's put murders in the same category with accidents and suicides to inflate the number to be big and scary

Fuck of edomite scum.

that literally means fewer people die, over time. it means you are less likely to just die. there is no downside. there is no way to misconstrue that.

Jsut a function of how many blacks and hispanics are present.

Gun violence non existent in the remaining all white states, montana vermont north dakota etc

If you don't support private gun ownership then read the constitution and then leave the US, demonrat.

go shit on your balls commie faggot.

That’s literally all black people. If you exclude niggers the US has gun deaths barely higher than Europe even with way more guns in circulation

now do the united states kill score by race!
doooo iiiiittt!!!

Why would you track gun deaths instead of murders? The goal is to reduce murder not simply get rid of guns for their own sake right?

N-no that’s not f-fair

>fire-arm RELATED

lol, right?

When you factor it by race, and exclude blacks and latinos, the gun crime rate in the US is inline with Canada's. This isnt a "gun" issue... Its a black people issue. I mean sure, the big incidents that get all the media attention tend to be white incel young men(weird how the gang shootings that are sometimes bigger than those still get little to no media coverage, eh?) but the overall rates are the same as other developed nations.

Attached: 1649251238232.jpg (881x862, 98.89K)

>old Guy has heart attack at the shooting range because he forgot to put in his ear plugs and gets his ears blown out
>he tests positive for Covid
>recorded as 1 covid death and 1 gun death

the goal is to get rid of guns for the sake of the (((globalists)))