Jewish rabbi admits they created the catholic church

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guys, we just need to accept that jews won, they rule the world.. and we need to just co-exist with them

Dude Jesus and all the apostles were jewish

The Spanish inquisition would like a word with you

nice cock I must say

Torquemada was a jew himself.

>Historically, Kabbalah emerged from earlier forms of Jewish mysticism, in 12th- to 13th-century Spain and Southern France,[3][7] and was reinterpreted during the Jewish mystical renaissance in 16th-century Ottoman Palestine.


Thst's what you're mum said.

>Jews are pathological schemers and liars
>a clip of some random Jew saying something is definitive proof that it's true

Lol their own Torah manuscripts are not even as old as the Christian manuscripts.

Was being the keyword. All the Shepardi jews in spain were forced to convert or die.

Jews are so in control of Christians that they literally are afraid to mark an X because it looks like a cross - origin of the term kike for those of you that do not know

ever heard of the Dead Sea Scrolls?

Pope Francis is Jewy looking.

So they all turned marranos and hid their evil ways for a few years.

christianity is jewish


99.9% of Christians understand this, the other .1% sperg out on Any Forums

Getting owned by Christians for centuries was all part of their 2,000 year old master plan

Well why wold kikes crate a religion that is basicly made for white women to have kids. Catholic church is best thing that manipulates young white women.


didnt stop jews from controllling spain

When you base your understanding on a mistranslation that doesn't differentiate between Judean and Judahite, sure.
The Church Fathers disagreed and so didn't everyone until WW2

Reminder that OP is a spam bot that makes these threads 24/7, also Peter was neither a rabbi or a kabbalist.