You Will Own Nothing

And you will be happy.

Even if you someone manage to find the %20 Downpayment needed to purchase a house.
You will only be able to pay the interest rate on your home, and never pay it off.
This is how it begins, and trickles down from there, to your car (which will be phased out of ownership completely,) and eventually your appliances.

Under new Bill C11- if you speak out against this, you will be considered promoting "uncanadian" rhetoric and be censored.

Enjoy Mr Bones Wild Ride

Attached: 2022-06-10 11_50_02-Bank of Canada_ some Canadians could see mortgage payments jump by 45% in 2025-2.png (751x731, 44.57K)

>sign up for variable mortgage
>be shocked when interest rates go up from zero

>he took out an ARM

Attached: d8e.png (600x528, 233.07K)

>Be Canadian
>Get enslaved
>Don't fight back
You don't have anyone's sympathy
God only helps those who help themselves

The day of the rake is soon upon us

>canadian finds out his monopoly money is worth less than toilet paper

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>Being a retard and taking a variable mortgage
You deserve what you get if you signed such a retarded mortgage.

our interest rates reset every 5 years fixed or variable

Canada is especially fucked because our entire market is in housing (which will implode with higher rates). However you are kidding yourself if you think any western nation is going to avoid the current disaster. The west is facing the repercussions for not paying their debts.

>comment on another country's mortgaging rules, without knowing the rules
We don't have 30 year fixed mortgages like Amerilards do. Our fixed rate mortgages are only offered in five year increments.

Hello, Moshe VPN kike. See above posts.

only a leaf would be dumb enough to sign up for a variable rate mortgage

You fucking retard we can get 25 year fixed rate mortgages. just because the 5 rate ones are the "most popular" doesn't mean others don't exist.

Only two banks offer them, you fucking retard. At nearly 9%.

That’s not fixed then. Fixed stays the same throughout the entire loan.

then it's not fucking fixed
how the fuck does that even make sense

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Sounds like you faggots are even more cucked by bankers than we are.

Canadians deserve to suffer, everyone I know is a fucking communist that promote big government unless its a specific law that personally affects them

No shit. It's Canada afterall.

Why the fuck would you ever sign a variable rate loan that's going to last 15-30 years? Is everyone in your country actually retarded? It's no wonder your natives can't afford shit and cash rich chinks are swooping in.

faggots love this shit even if they don't want to admit it. People are STILL wearing their fucking masks

Good thing they're taking all your guns and have had 2 years practice of forcing the population into internment camps

So would it be wise to look at those banks bite the 9% in order to ride out the 45% increase?

If 25 year fixed is an option then you can get them nigger. Our 30 yr. Fixed is approaching 6% so it's not that much higher, if anything you should be preparing for the cashfiresale

>bought land in 2021

my erection only grows. FUCK city slickers.

>I WILL have cows
>I WILL have no debts
>I WILL have a loft
>I WILL have my own forest
>I WILL be happy

it'll be paid off in like 4 years

>it'll be paid off in like 4 years
not with cows you wont.

start with chickens and a pig or two

>rate changes every 5 years

>We don't offer long term fixed rate mortgages
>gets proven wrong
>muh 9%

Attached: retard juice.jpg (1024x1024, 79.63K)

Click bait article

45% increase from the current mortgage rate of 2.5% or so variable, so around 3.5 -4.5% rate total

Hit a globalist in the head with a hammer

Attached: hero-image.fill.size_1200x1200.v1614269607.jpg (1200x1200, 134.63K)

>Oh no, my payment will go from 1.25% to 3%.
Only matters if you lied on your mortgage application stress test and now your lying ass can't afford the bump. Worst case, I'll pawn it off to a peasant renter and buy another place somewhere else.

Fuck I hate poor people.

Attached: 1653149759488.jpg (773x457, 252.51K)

I am dumb 45% added to 2.5% so like tops 5%?

>Under new Bill C11- if you speak out against this, you will be considered promoting "uncanadian" rhetoric and be censored.

Just try and stop me faggot.

Yeah but depending on the size of your mortgage this can potentially be a $200+ a month in real money so like probably infinite Canadian Queens.

Just rent a car and have sex in it until you get an STD.

>Never posted anything on CBC

Plot twist, I have two youtube accounts, and they do shadow ban certain of your comments.
TVA even shadow ban you for saying shadow ban. The state is heavily invested in appearing popular online, I don't need "proof" to know that they use bots.