Aber diese ist ein japanischer seite

Aber diese ist ein japanischer seite.

Attached: 1654701412844.png (720x748, 1.12M)

Rather be a nigger than a demon. Doesn't mean I gotta be a nigger, THO

>believing in utopia
>Believing humans
>Believing in disgusting humans
Read your fucking bible

Top is cringy race mixing HIV hobbit propaganda

Bottom is a cool RPG setting that I want to play in so I pick bottom.

good dogs

then stop speaking like a nigger

>Believing that living in harmony and abandoning sin will work
It always worked before, you deranged kike

Notice the vegan bullshit in the second one

And why do they always pair only black men next to white women? Fuck that shit, im not even racist, i just know its shitty repetitive representation.

Attached: 4chonhitlercocksuck.png (790x584, 675.87K)

They make it seem like a majority votes for this and all the soi maxed men do nothing about it*

>Abandoning sin
Fucking delusional. No man is truly righteous. Literally Rousseau tier bullshitting. Back to fucking fantasy lan

Never in the entirety of human history have we existed harmoniously

>Niggers in top panel

You’re thinking of 2channel, the only “japs” on here are expat english teachers larping as samurais because of anime.

This is a post-agriculture fabrication. Most humans lived peacefully hunting, fishing, foraging, and growing for tens of thousands of years, and disputes were generally rare or easily resolved, conditions for psychopathy were rare or nonexistent, and soul loss wasn’t as prevalent.
Modern armies didn’t exist and often if there were disputes it was with people who looked like you and shared your values and if it was really bad you could just go somewhere else and find peace.

We can tell you're a bottom memeflag


>just go back to hunter-gatherer mode with less than a million people on the planet and worship jews
You people have no self-awareness.

mfw you had to add those niggers there...

Attached: apustaja_masentuu.jpg (399x400, 12.01K)

>Human history
>Thinking these two things are not paved by history
>Pic fucking related

Attached: images (11).jpg (807x380, 38.71K)

Why would you have this photo saved, cuck?

This was my primary determinant on which panel to choose. Its a reluctant bottom panel for me - appears to have no black people (aka nignogs).

Attached: 1654860640292.png (564x635, 190.76K)

Then stop speaking.