In what universe is this okay...

In what universe is this okay? Like I want one of these retarded gender studies professors to explain to me how I should percieve this.

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Holy fucking hahahahahahaha

That's completely normal, you idiot.
There are dozens of studies on this.

It's science you bigot. Read a book sometime

>i'm finally a man!
>which urinal should I use?
>this one
>and also this one
>and that one over there
>and the floor

Attached: delayed kek.gif (500x375, 1.52M)

daily reminder
these tranny skin grafts are never perfect and hair actually grows inside of that tube leading to infections every month

Uhmm it’s called a penis, sweatie. Get it right.

>Like I want one of these retarded gender studies professors to explain to me how I should percieve this.
and that's when their sick side comes out or their philosophical side comes out or usually both

God, when does it all collapse. i cant take this any more. please God help me.

>let butchers attach a flesh noodle in crude mockery of a penis
>still have to sit down to piss



Those surgeons all need to get dragged behind trucks. in Minecraft.

This is how it actually feels to pee when you're high on mushrooms


Trust the science.

>I feel like shit
>I'm pissing everywhere
I mean that's the man experience, but like a wise man once said "knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad."

You chuds are just jealous that he's twice as big flaccid as you are hard.

Clean it up jannie.

Darkness imprisoning me
All that I see
Absolute horror.

Leaky pipe. Quick call a plumber

>implying raging narcissists like trannies, groomers and their supporters care what you think or what reality has in store for them
Let them have their delusion; the insaner the agenda, the more difficult it is to reconile it with reality. In the case of trannies: it's impossible, they will never pass and they know it.

yeah bigot, you sound like that weird cuck that was talking to that esteemed male head of university gender studies who btfo'd chudlets everywhere

Because ai is alrrady warching so


Not a mental illness. Perfectly normal.

Thats definitely going to suicide
That is really horrifying
I have a 13 year old sister that says she has transgender class mates
This came up because i got yet another 30 day facebook ban for leaving the comment
>it takes effort to dumb yourself down to the level of a tranny
in response to someone saying that it takes no effort to use someones prefered pronouns

>I'm gonna take a leak
Oh, now I see.

Its a me


Does your sister hate em? What are her feelings on it?

She thought i was being mean
Specially when i told them i couldn't care less how it makes them feel that i think they are both stupid and delusional

this is very sad

It's probably another slide thread but idc.

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The programming is strong. I'm not sure you can't escape it without homeschooling.