Why don't many conservatives care about the enviorment?

Don't you want your kids to be white and your land to be green?

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Leftist politicians and the UN don’t know shit about nature conservatives actually live and work in nature as farmers

Liberals did more damage to our oceans, rivers and lands in two years than anyone else could in ten

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It amazes me how eco friendly the American right is vs the American left yet, both see each other as opposites. An urban progressive faggot dependent on technology lectures a redneck living in a rural camper site how bad he is for the environment. Amazing.

I do care, but society and civilization is going in a certain direction that I don't like and I'd just prefer the world to burn

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If leftists try to use environmental legislation as a trojan horse to sneak through anti-white policies, they are the ones who don't care about the environment. If they were taking things seriously they would just stop sneaking unrelated shit into all these bills, since all this does is makes people distrust them. They don't do this, therefore I can't believe they take it seriously, therefore I can't take it seriously. You would think that if they legitimately believed the world was about to end that at least one of them would go
>You know...
>Maybe if the world is about to end tomorrow...
>We should just stop trying to tie this to racial guilt narratives that everyone is sick of?
>So we can just solve the problem without the division this creates?
but they don't. Not a single one of them does this. They all just smugly gloat about how everyone but them is dumb for not giving them unlimited power, and how brown lesbians of color are disproportionately affected by climate change because herp derp durr, despite the fact that they know this just pisses people off. Is this how you would expect people who actually thought the world was about to end to behave? If you thought the world was about to end tomorrow and there was something you could do to stop if if you could only get everyone on your side, would you spend your time antagonizing leftists on twitter, or sneaking dumb shit into the bills that are supposed to save us that might result in them getting canceled etc? Their behavior tells me they don't take any of this seriously. Nobody who actually thinks the world is about to end has time to give a shit about how climate change is actually an expression of the conceptual penis of cisnormative systemic whiteness etc.

I don't care because we're going to create plastic-eating bacteria. I think someone just did recently actually

>my kids
>my land
the what again? maybe I would care if I had a chance to get any or both without getting into economic slavery

Conservatives tend to be less neurotic than leftist, and since most of the climate crisis is psychological rather than physical, the result is obvious

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This. You heard of Extinction Rebellion? They are the perfect example for your points.

Because the left hasn’t provided solutions to the problem.

> our co2 emissions will kill us all!
Figure out a way to remove excess co2 from the atmosphere then?

> no not like that, you must invest in green technology!
But isn’t industry a far larger contributor of co2 emissions than individuals by an order of several magnitudes?

> why do you hate our planet? What about the children

Go fuck yourself

Also this.
To actually oppressed people, an apocalypse is a welcome event, since it creates an opportunity to escape the clutches of their oppressors.
To whatever extent leftists have successfully managed to convince non-whites that they are oppressed, they have actually convinced them to not give a shit about climate change, since climate change is the ultimate reset button.
Similarly, to whatever extent leftists have unintentionally convinced whites to see themselves as oppressed, they have also convinced them to not give a shit about climate change, since once again, people who actually see themselves as oppressed will welcome the opportunity for a societal reset.

Remember that there is nothing stopping people saying all the socially approved things in public, while secretly developing problematic views in private. All that the left's culture of censorship accomplishes is to cause people to lie more, which then results in them thinking they have more support than they actually do. Then they wonder why they can't get anything done etc, when it's literally just because everyone hates them but pretends they don't.

I care about the enviorment and polution. I don't care about muh climate change.

I care about the sanctity of Hans and his people and his fatherland

Australia is a factory for producing and converting men into homosexuals in mind, body, and soul. The people I know who have done the most for the environment are hunters some of the most conservative people out there and the greatest stewards of nature you'll ever meet. But environmentalism to homosexuals such as yourself is (((climate change))), essentially the dismantling of western typically white countries who do care about the preservation nature and the development of clean methods of energy generation in favor of China and India who pollute more in one day than the US/Europe the prior 10 years.

All I can think of when they say "climate change" is all the times they've smugly told people something to the effect of:
>Change is innevitable
>Only idiots are afraid of change
>Just accept change
>You can't stop change

Don't know why you had to make your post Aus hate. I'm just looking to learn from like minded people on this website to share their views on the environment, because all I ever see online is that caring about the environment is seen as a far left issue. I love America, I hope you can love Australia as much as I love your country.

I love how a few years ago they were saying "global warming". Now it's "climate change". What happened to the "2 more degrees" until the Earth is no longer livable?

Why are liberal cities always filthy and covered in trash?

Blacks and other disgusting ignorant people.

Most of it is just distrust of the people or groups demanding power to implement policy, not the idea of policy itself. The vaccine stuff is similar. Nobody had a problem with vaccines in the past, and people have only gotten less conservative with time. The reason the current vaccine push was so controversial while nobody gave a shit about the various flu etc vaccines they had to get in school was because the people in charge now are less trusted. A king who refuses meals prepared by agents of an enemy nation isn't "anti food", he's just doesn't want his food prepared by someone he can't trust.

There is no such thing as disembodied policy in a vacuum. Politics isn't about casting magic spells and creating policy fields that just permeate all of space, it requires giving power to people who promise to implement that policy, and hoping that they don't intend to uses to powers to fuck everyone in the ass instead. Consequently any discussion about policy that doesn't also discuss *who* should be trusted to implement it is pointless.

For example I can't trust anyone from the modern left to implement any kind of environmental policy at a global level (because of their consistently scummy behavior over the past several decades), but I might be willing to trust kaczynski types to do so since they actually do appear to have some integrity. This is why viewing things in terms of "pro policy" vs "anti policy" is flawed. It basically assumes that trust is a post scarcity resource, when in reality it is at an all time low.